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2. Discussion Regarding Par Course Reconstruction <br /> Ken Joseph gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Par Course Reconstruction <br /> project. He gave a description of the project and equipment that will be used. Plans will <br /> be completed this month. Ken stated that public information meetings will be held on <br /> May 19, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. and May 21, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. These meetings will be held <br /> at the Par Course. Construction is scheduled to begin in Fall 2011. <br /> Discussion ensued. Staff responded to questions from the Committee. <br /> 3. Discussion Regarding I -880 HOV Lane Update <br /> Uche Udemezue gave a brief overview of the 1 -880 HOV Lane project. He explained <br /> that by combining the Davis Street widening project with the Caltrans HOV Lane project <br /> staff found an opportunity to save money, minimize the disruption involved with the <br /> construction and save time. Keith Cooke gave a PowerPoint presentation and explained <br /> the project summary and objectives. He explained that the 1 -880 HOV project did not <br /> include the Davis Street widening; however Alameda County Transportation <br /> Commission (ACTC) and City staff recognize the benefit of collaboration. The project <br /> includes the 1 -880 HOV Lane, Marina Boulevard Interchange and Davis Street <br /> Interchange. A request for approval of the resolution authorizing the City Manager to <br /> enter into a Memorandum of Understanding for the project will be presented to the City <br /> Council on May 16, 2011. <br /> Discussion ensued. Staff responded to questions from the Committee. Keith explained <br /> that elevation changes at the Marina Boulevard Interchange will improve visibility for <br /> drivers to see pedestrians. <br /> 4. Discussion Regarding Special Design Request for City Bike Racks <br /> Keith Cooke gave a brief description regarding special design requests for City bike <br /> racks. He explained that the installation of bike racks within the public right of way has <br /> been included in the recently completed Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. Measure B Bicycle <br /> and Pedestrian Funds are available for installing bike racks around the city. Reh -Lin <br /> Chen gave a PowerPoint presentation. Reh -Lin explained that requests are handled on a <br /> first come, first served basis. City staff installs low cost U- shaped bike racks and <br /> assumes responsibility for the maintenance. If property owners want more expensive <br /> bike racks with different designs, they will be held responsible for the purchase, <br /> installation and maintenance of these bike racks and assumes the liability. City will <br /> inspect the racks and waive the annual encroachment permit and inspection fees, but all <br /> rules of the City Municipal Codes must be followed. <br /> Discussion ensued. Staff responded to questions from the Committee. In general, the <br /> Committee was affirmative on the recommendation for the proposed special design <br /> request for bike racks. <br />