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5. The compensation, which is agreed to be just <br /> compensation, to be given and paid by plaintiff for the <br /> acquisition of that portion of Parcel 3A which is located within <br /> and constitutes the "remnant" shall be: (a) the sum of TWO <br /> HUNDRED SEVENTY -SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($277,000.00), without <br /> interest thereon; and (b) the execution by plaintiff of a <br /> "Development Agreement" and the performance by plaintiff of each <br /> and every of its obligations. <br /> 6. The compensation, which is agreed to be just <br /> compensation, to be given or paid by plaintiff for the <br /> acquisition of that portion of Parcel 3A which is located outside <br /> of the "remnant" shall be: (a) the sum of ONE HUNDRED NINETY <br /> SEVEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED TWO AND 58 /100THS DOLLARS <br /> ($197,402.58) plus interest in the amount of ONE HUNDRED <br /> SEVENTY -EIGHT THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY -NINE AND 50 /100THS <br /> DOLLARS ($178,729.50); (b) interest on the sum of THREE HUNDRED <br /> SEVENTY -SIX THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED THIRTY -TWO AND 24 /100THS DOLLARS <br /> ($376,132.24) at the rate of seven percent (7 %) per annum from <br /> August 1, 1985, to and including the date of payment of the total <br /> sum due; and, (c) the execution by plaintiff of a "Development <br /> . Agreement" and the performance by plaintiff of each and every of <br /> its obligations thereunder. <br /> 7. Plaintiff CITY OF SAN LEANDRO shall forthwith <br /> deposit, on behalf of defendant UNITED ARTISTS COMMUNICATIONS, <br /> INC., the amount of SIX HUNDRED FIFTY -THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED <br /> FOURTEEN AND 89 /100THS DOLLARS ($653,214.89), in escrow number <br /> • <br />