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Notices required to be given to City shall be addressed as follows: <br />City Clerk <br />Civic Center <br />835 E. 14th Street <br />San Leandro, California 94577 <br />Notices required to be given to Owner shall be addressed as follows: <br />Kaiser Foundation Hospitals <br />1950 Franklin Street, Suite 6 <br />Oakland, CA 94612 <br />Notices required to be given surety of Owner shall be addressed as follows: <br />Safeco Insurance Company of America <br />Post Office Box 34670 <br />Seattle, WA 98124 -1670 <br />Any party or the surety may change such address by notice in writing to the other party and <br />thereafter notices shall be addressed and transmitted to the new address. <br />23. Recordation of Abstract Concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, Owner has <br />executed and has caused to be acknowledged an abstract of this Agreement. Owner agrees City may record <br />said abstract in the Official Records of Alameda County. <br />24. Assignment This Agreement will not be assigned without the prior written consent of <br />City. <br />25. Additional Terms and Conditions This Agreement is subject to the following additional <br />terms and conditions, if any: None. <br />STANDARD PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT Page 12 of 13 <br />G:\ LD1 Address\"arina Blvd 1701 (Kaiser)1Off site improvement plans\Public Improvement Agreement 2500 Merced.doc <br />