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DRAFT MINUTES Page 5 <br />Cite of San Leandro City Council, San Leandro Parking Authority, San Leandro Public Financing Authority, and San <br />Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting —June 20, 2011 <br />M. Resolution No. 2011 -115 Resolution Approving a Lease Agreement with East Bay <br />Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) for Chabot Park (leases park area for the period <br />from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2016 for a one -time fee of $2,000 to provide recreational <br />services and opportunities for our citizens). <br />N. Matter of Approving Parcel Map 10036 for 3000 Davis Street, San Leandro, Assessor's <br />Parcel Nos. 077A- 0649 - 003 -03, 077A- 0649 - 012 -00, and 077A- 0649 - 003 -02; Owner, <br />Subdivider, and Applicant: City of San Leandro; and Vacating Portions of the Public <br />Right -of -Way of Eden Road and Davis Street (at 3000 Davis Street). <br />Resolution No. 2011 -116 Resolution Approving Parcel Map 10036 for 3000 <br />Davis Street, San Leandro, Assessor's Parcel Nos. 077A- 0649 - 003 -03, 077A- <br />0649- 012 -00, and 077A- 0649 - 003 -02; Owner, Subdivider, and Applicant: City of <br />San Leandro (combines existing parcels of the Water Pollution Control Plant <br />[WPCP] into two parcels and dedicates the right -of -way on Davis Street). <br />2. Resolution No. 2011 -117 Resolution Vacating Portions of the Public Right -of- <br />Way of Eden Road and Davis Street (at 3000 Davis Street) (vacates the portion of <br />Davis Street and Eden Road on the Water Pollution Control Plant [WPCP] <br />property). <br />O. Resolution No. 2011 -118 Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Calling <br />for Bids for the 14901 East 14 Street Remediation Project, Project No. 11- 962 -39 -022 <br />(remediates the contaminated soil in preparation of the site for constriction of the <br />intersection improvements). <br />P. Resolution No. 2011 -119 Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Calling <br />for Bids for the Annual Overlay /Rehabilitation 2010 -11 Project, Project No. 10- 149 -38- <br />327 (provides for reconstruction of various street segments in San Leandro). <br />Q. Resolution No. 2011 -120 Resolution of Award of Constriction Contract to Tennyson <br />Electric, Inc. for the Street Light Undergrounding — East 14 Street (150 Avenue to <br />South City Limit) Project, Project No. 07- 210 -38 -172 (recommends award to the low <br />bidder in the amount $158,038 for the subject project). <br />R. ADOPT: Resolution of Award of Contract to McNabb Constriction, Inc. for the Toyon <br />Park Restroom Replacement Sitework, Project No. 10- 210 -62 -008 (recommends award <br />to the low bidder in the amount $84,700 for the subject project). (Moved to Item 9, <br />Items Removed from Consent Calendar.) <br />S. Resolution No. 2011 -121 Resolution Approving Program Supplement Agreement No. <br />019 -N to Administering Agency -State Agreement No. 04 -5041R to Accept Federal <br />Funds for the Marina Boulevard Street Rehabilitation Project, Project No. 150 -38 -329, <br />Federal -Aid Project No. STPL - 5041(037) (accepts federal funding and obligates the <br />City to complete the project which rehabilitates the sections of Marina Boulevard <br />