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• • <br /> She asked questions about the insulation program and indicated that residents have questions <br /> about the program. Councilmember Santos asked her to provide the names and addresses of <br /> those residents so their questions can be answered. Councilmember Grant asked that she also <br /> provide a list of those questions so they can all be addressed. <br /> Ms. Aborashed also had questions regarding language in the avigation easement. She felt it <br /> should be renegotiated. Staff answered the questions, clarifying Section 2 regarding Hazards <br /> and explained that the section restated federal law regarding the prohibition of growing <br /> anything or building anything tall enough to interfere with air traffic routes. Staff stated that <br /> the terms of the avigation agreement represents the minimum the Port would agree to and the <br /> maximum the City agreed to. The avigation easement is part of a binding agreement with the <br /> Port of Oakland and there is no intention to renegotiate. <br /> Francois Gallo commented further on the ACI -NA symposium and the need to consider <br /> environmental issues related to transportation. He also said that the Alameda quiet hours <br /> program still limits straight out departures at the South Field, unlike departures over San <br /> Leandro. <br /> 7. Committee Member Comments <br /> Councilmember Grant proposed that future committee meetings allow for public comments <br /> after each agenda item. She asked staff to draft up a comment card, similar to what is used <br /> for City Council meetings, so comments can be submitted in advance. The Committee gave <br /> consensus to this suggestion. Staff will prepare a comment card for review at the July <br /> Committee meeting. <br /> Councilmember Santos commented on the Port's decision to give no further consideration to <br /> constriction of a sound barrier at the Airport's South Field. They believe it would have little <br /> cost benefit to the community and that insulation of homes would provide a better solution to <br /> noise. He asked that the Port send Neptune Drive residents written explanation of this <br /> decision. <br /> 8. Adjourn <br /> The meeting adjourned at 10:58 a.m. <br /> 4 <br />