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• • <br /> San Leandro Aircraft Noise Events <br /> Table 1. Aircraft Type and Predicted SEL Range (dB) from Aircraft Departures <br /> (Excerpt from Supplemental SEIR) <br /> Noise B -727 <br /> Receiver Site Hushkit B -767 B -757 A -300 A -320 MD -11 <br /> Neptune Drive 88 -89` 69 -76 69 -70 70-72 66-67 71 -72 <br /> Timothy Drive 72 -73 67-68 62-64 63-65 59-60 64-65 <br /> Davis West 73 -74 68-69 64-65 64-66 60-61 65-66 <br /> Garfield School 76-77 72 -74 67-68 68 -70 64-65 69 -70 <br /> Table 2. Aircraft Type and Measured Lmax Range (dB) from Aircraft Departures <br /> Noise B -727 <br /> Receiver Site Hushkit •8-767 B -757 A -300 A -320 MD -11 <br /> San Leandro 64 -90 63 -74 65 -74 63 -72 66 -69 64 -77 <br /> Marina. <br /> Notes: c To account for the difference between measured and predicted noise levels caused by these <br /> factors, the SEL values predicted for B -727 aircraft at Site C (Neptune Drive) were adjusted by an increase <br /> of 10 dB. <br /> SEL - Sound Exposure Level - the sum of the noise energy of a single aircraft noise event taking into <br /> consideration both the peak noise level and the duration of the noise event and measured as the total noise <br /> energy referenced to a one - second time period. <br /> Lmax - Maximum Noise Level - the peak or highest noise level reached during a single aircraft noise <br /> event. <br />