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• • <br /> will be used for follow -on master plan tasks, such as studying future terminal and gate <br /> requirements, taxiway congestion, runway capacity, and other operational issues. The Port and <br /> Committee also discussed the development of a 20 MAP (2012) flight schedule, based on a flight <br /> schedule from the ADP SEIR, which yields 63,158 passengers and 598 flights on the ADPM. 18 to 20 <br /> MAP (and the associated ADPM passengers and flights) provides a good range to consider for the <br /> next round of passenger facility planning, design, and construction at the Airport. <br /> Based on simulation analyses that count the number of aircraft by airline on the ground throughout <br /> the day, and more traditional master plan calculation techniques, it was estimated that the Airport <br /> will need between 46 and 50 total aircraft gates (between 12 and 16 gates more than was proposed <br /> in the ADP) to accommodate passenger demand in the 2010 to 2012 timeframe. From a level of <br /> service perspective, 46 to 50 total aircraft gates results in between 6 to 6.5 departures per gate per <br /> day, and 37,000 to 42,000 passengers per gate in the peak month (August). This compares to 8.9 <br /> • <br /> daily departures per gate per day in August 2004 (from 24 gates), and 55,000 passengers per gate in <br /> August 2003. The national average is about 5.5 departures per gate per day, with Mineta San Jose <br /> International Airport having approximately 6.3 departures per gate per day from 31 gates (based on <br /> June 2004 data). <br /> Although runway capacity/delay /congestion will be the topic of a future Aviation Stakeholder <br /> Advisory Committee meeting, it appears, based on preliminary analyses, that the number of aircraft <br /> operations required to serve 18 to 20 MAP can be accommodated on the existing South Field <br /> runway (Runway 11 -29), with some reasonable increase in delay (there is almost no delay today). <br /> Air Cargo / Cargo Airline Operations <br /> The Port and Committee reviewed existing air cargo forecasts, including those in the Regional <br /> Airport Planning Committee's (RAPC's) Regional Airport System Plan (RASP) and .the Port's Airport <br /> Development Program (ADP) 2003 Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR). Based on this <br /> data and a review of historic growth, it was determined that the Airport can expect approximately <br /> 0.9 million annual tons (MAT) of air cargo in 2010 and 1.5 MAT in .2025. For comparison, the <br /> Airport accommodated approximately 0.68 MAT in calendar year 2003, and 0.70 MAT for the 12 <br /> months ending in June 2004. The Port and Committee will discuss how this amount of air cargo <br /> translates to cargo airline operations (takeoffs and landings) at their meeting in October 2004. This <br /> meeting will also include a discussion of cargo land use and facilities. <br /> General Aviation Operations <br /> The Port and Committee briefly discussed general aviation operations (training flights and <br /> corporate jets). The Port believes that training flight activity will remain more or less constant (from <br /> existing conditions), while there will a modest increase in corporate jet activity. General aviation <br /> forecasts, land use, and facilities will be discussed at the Aviation Stakeholder Advisory Committee <br /> meeting in December 2004. <br /> • <br /> The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 30, 2004, at which the Advisory Committee <br /> will discuss potential terminal development locations and concepts. Upcoming meeting topics <br /> include air cargo issues (October 28, 2004), general aviation issues (December 9, 2004), airfield <br /> issues, access and airline support issues, environmental and financial challenges and constraints, and <br /> discussion of alternative land use plans prepared based on previous meetings. <br /> For additional information, please contact one of the following: • <br /> Roberto Bernardo Doug Mansel <br /> Port Field Representative Master Plan Project Manager /Aviation Planner <br /> Port of Oakland Port of Oakland <br /> (510) 627 -1401 (510) 627-1335 <br /> rbernard dmansel <br />