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• <br /> • <br /> questions. He has noticed the increase of airport noise in his neighborhood since he bought his <br /> home 4 years ago. If it continues to increase, what will trigger the Port to insulate more <br /> homes? He also spoke on the importance of using single event noise measurements in the <br /> ANIP. • <br /> Wafaa Aborashed asked if the ANIP consultant had been selected by the City yet. The City <br /> Manager clarified that staff has recommended CKSA but they will not be formally selected by <br /> the City until the City Council approved a contractual services agreement. Ms. Aborashed also <br /> asked that the City provide more outreach to the community regarding the Supplemental <br /> Environmental Impact Report done on the Airport Development Plan, particularly as it relates <br /> to the impacts from air pollution. She feels the City should be educating the community on the <br /> cumulative impacts of air pollution from all sources in the area. <br /> Francois Gallo asked what had happened to negotiations to eliminate the grant of easement <br /> from the ANIP. He asked if noise levels will be taken for each of the 200 hones before and <br /> after construction, and what rooms of the homes would be insulated. He also asked for a target <br /> date for the retirement of the 727's from FedEx's fleet. <br /> The City Manager replied that the terms of the settlement agreement had been negotiated by <br /> himself and the City Attorney and that the grant of easement is required by the Port for the <br /> ANIP because they are paying for the ANIP with their own general funds, not with federal <br /> funding. William Schock said that a minimum of 10% of the homes in the ANIP would have <br /> sound measurements taken, and that the "habitable" rooms of each of the insulated homes <br /> would be insulated, using the definition of habitable as listed in the California Uniform <br /> Building Code (e.g. bedrooms, livingrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, but not garages). Carole <br /> Wedl from the Port of Oakland said that FedEx forecasts that only 1 of their 727's will still be <br /> in the fleet at the airport by the year 2010. <br /> Jim Matthews said that as a San Leandro resident he feels that the City is doing a good job with <br /> regards to airport matters and feels that he is receiving good value for his tax dollar. He <br /> encouraged the City to "keep up the good work." (Wafaa Aborashced echoed his statement.) <br /> 7. Committee Member Comments <br /> Committee Member Santos reported that the Port's Director of Aviation, Steve Grossman, <br /> spoke at a recent Industrial Roundtable meeting, stating that he has heard that FedEx has 5 <br /> 727's in use at night now in Oakland and they expect to phase those out in less than two years. <br /> Committee Member Young said she would like staff to spend some time with Ms. Aborashed <br /> regarding the cumulative impacts of air pollution in the area. <br /> 8. Adjourned at 5:10 p.m. <br />