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• • <br /> Santos replied that the Airport Committee is a City Council Committee. None of the City <br /> Council's committees contain citizen members. <br /> John Manuel spoke regarding his reservations about granting the consultant contract to CKSA. <br /> He asked that his written memo (attached) be distributed to the full City Council, expressing <br /> his reservations. He believes a conflict of interest exists between interview panel member <br /> Carole Wedl as a representative of the Port of Oakland, and CKSA. He also feels there should <br /> be a comprehensive sound study done prior to the ANIP. <br /> The City Manager responded to a number of the public comments. Regarding the ANIP, he <br /> stated that the interview panel for the consultant did include a community representative. The <br /> "stakeholders" for the ANIP are all of the residents within the eligibility area. Staff's decision <br /> to recommend CKSA as the program consultant is based on a fair and balanced evaluation of <br /> all of the firms interviewed. The City sees no conflict of interest between the Port of Oakland <br /> and CKSA. CKSA's experience with the Port's insulation program in Alameda gives them a <br /> particular advantage in that San Leandro's ANIP will be closely modeled after Alameda's. <br /> 7. Committee Member Comments <br /> Council Member Santos shared some information he had received from Mr. John Rogers <br /> regarding the Airport's Salad One departure procedure. He will forward that information to <br /> staff. <br /> 8. Adjourned at 5:25 p.m. <br />