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• • <br /> interesting in seeing if noise incidents recorded on monitors can be correlated to complaints <br /> received from neighbors. <br /> • Committee Member Santos pointed out that all of the back blast noise from South Field <br /> departures on runway 29 comes into San Leandro neighborhoods, and many of the flights <br /> departing on runway 11 go directly.over San Leandro neighborhoods. <br /> Public Comments <br /> • Harold Perez asked if the Port would reimburse any homeowners who had already done their <br /> own insulation work. (Staff replied that there is no provision for this in the agreement.) <br /> • John Manuel commented that San Jose had recently approved an insulation program. They <br /> are averaging about $34,000 per home in costs and wondered how that might compare to San <br /> Leandro's program. He was under the impression that we have a limit of funds from the Port <br /> to spend on the insulation program. (Staff replied that there is no dollar figure named in the <br /> agreement — 200 hones will be insulated and the Port will fund whatever that takes.) <br /> • Wafaa Aborashed asked if staff will be studying housing stock in the eligible neighborhoods <br /> before the insulation program begins to be sure they are getting what they need. (Staff <br /> replied that this will be one of the tasks of the program consultant.) She believes Eden Road <br /> construction should be finance by the Port under the auspices of the Airport Land Use <br /> Commission since they stand to benefit from the improvements. She recommended that a <br /> member of the community should be added to the City Council Airport Committee to provide <br /> insight from the residents' perspective. <br /> • Dennis Rosucci asked if the City has information on whether or not the insulation program <br /> • will be effective on low frequency noise. Residents should know if the vibrations they <br /> experience will be reduced. <br /> • Lou Filipovich reminded the Committee that too many people are left out of the process. He <br /> would like to know if the Airport can tell him how many planes went over his home during a <br /> recent stormy night. (Staff will follow -up with the Port Noise Abatement Office.) <br /> Committee Member Comments <br /> • Committee Member Santos has developed a suggested plan of action for the City to address <br /> airport problems and solutions, such as the impacts of Stage 2 hush kitted aircraft and the <br /> noise impacts they cause. A full plan should be presented to the full City Council. The <br /> Committee agreed that a plan could be adopted by the Council and implemented by staff. It <br /> could include the steps taken to date (e.g. North and South Field Groups, Noise Forum, <br /> Settlement Agreement). The Committee agreed that there should be a work session of the <br /> Committee scheduled, bringing community representatives to the table, to develop a plan <br /> identifying where we were and what we have accomplished. This can be an agenda item for <br /> the February meeting. <br /> • City Manager Jermanis reported that the University of California will be holding its annual <br /> Airport Noise Symposium in Berkeley in March. This may be a good opportunity to invite <br /> one or two of the San Leandro citizen representatives to the airport groups to participate in <br /> some training. The Committee directed staff to research the opportunities for obtaining <br /> scholarships to defray some of the cost. <br /> The meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m. <br />