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• • <br /> 0 • The Committee's recommendation to the City Council will be for a letter to be sent to <br /> the Port of Oakland, asking that they hold a community information meeting in the <br /> coming weeks to allow San Leandro residents to hear all of the closure scenarios and <br /> voice their preference. <br /> Report on Technical Report Regarding Noise Abatement Procedures <br /> • Staff provided a report on an analysis done by a consultant to the Noise Management <br /> Forum regarding the feasibility of imposing noise restrictions or curfews on <br /> operations at the Oakland Airport. <br /> • Federal regulations passed in 1990 have placed significant barriers on the attempts of <br /> local communities and airports to enact new noise restrictions and /or air traffic <br /> curfews. In essence, no application for new restrictions has ever been approved by <br /> the FAA; no group has ever been able to implement new restrictions since 1990; and, <br /> no group has ever found a loophole in these FAA regulations. <br /> Explanation of "Salad One" Instrument Departure Procedure <br /> • The "Salad One" instrument departure procedure (IDP) was referenced in a recent <br /> letter from Congressman Pete Stark to the Port of Oakland. Salad One is a new IDP <br /> that is one element of the North Field Flight Route recommendations. It allows for a <br /> sharp right turn for departures to the north from the North Field and an instrument <br /> procedure for a southern heading after the right turn. This is seen as an opportunity to <br /> reduce the number of departures over the Davis West neighborhood. Once approved <br /> by the FAA and printed for pilot use, Air Traffic Control will be able to authorized <br /> pilots to fly this IDP. <br /> Update on Noise Monitor Placement <br /> • A temporary noise monitor had been in place at Farrelly Pool to measure air traffic <br /> noise in the Broadmoor area. While Farrelly Pool is in use, the monitor must be <br /> removed. Rather than attempting to find a temporary location for the monitor during <br /> the summer months, the Broadmoor Neighborhood Association has agreed that the <br /> monitor can be down for the summer and replaced once the pool is closed for the <br /> season. <br /> Report on Airfield Planning Study <br /> • Staff provided a brief report on the study being conducted for construction of a new <br /> runway and new taxiway at the Oakland Airport. The study is still in the conceptual <br /> stages. City staff will continue to be briefed by the Port as this study progresses. <br /> 1 <br />