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BART — Downtown Pedestrian Improvements <br />CSA - Golden Associates 4 July 18, 2011 <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />City staff anticipates public meetings for this project. Public meetings will be held during the <br />design phase and prior to construction. <br />Fiscal Impact <br />The total project cost is estimated to be $6,214,470. A federal grant for the project is $4,610,000 <br />(TLC grant funds) and the City will provide a match in the amount of $1,604,470. <br />This phase will only address the project design work for which an E -76, authorization to proceed <br />with design phase, has been approved. Grant funds in an amount of $311,563 have been <br />allocated for this phase (CIP Account No. 150 -38 -331). <br />The City's matching fund requirement allocation is proposed to come from the following <br />sources: <br />• $1,220,000 from the Kaiser Community Impact fund intended for traffic improvements in <br />lieu of Development Fees for Street Improvements (DFSI) (Account No. 210 -38 -331) <br />• $96,118 from the Development Fees for Street Improvements (DFSI) fund for traffic <br />equipment (Account No. 120 -38 -331) <br />• $76,894 from Measure B Streets & Roads funds for street improvements (Account No. <br />144-38-331) <br />• $211,458 from Measure B Bike & Pedestrian funds for pedestrian streetscape <br />improvements. (Account No. 144 -36 -331) <br />Budget Aiithority <br />Budget authority for this project was established by Council approval of the Program <br />Supplement Agreement 017 -E. <br />Carla Rodriguez, Deputy ce Director <br />CONCLUSION <br />Staff recommends approval of a contractual services agreement with Golden Associates in the <br />amount of $178,000 for the preparation of construction documents related to landscape and <br />irrigation on the subject project. <br />GA Items In ProcessUUL 18\13ART- Downtown Ped Improv - CWBART- Downtown Ped Improv - CSA Landscape MEM.Docx <br />