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eminent domain, within that portion of the Joint Project Area within the City of San Leandro, <br />and for that purpose is authorized, among other powers pursuant to this part: <br />(1) to receive mir ubdhvisi(- wi.)i.) an allocation of <br />property taxes pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 33670 with respect to the Joint Project Area <br />in the amount authorized by the Agreement to be received by the San Leandro Redevelopment <br />Agency; and <br />(2) to incur indebtedness and other obligations, including bonded <br />indebtedness, and to pledge the allocation of property taxes described in paragraph (1) for <br />payment of loans, moneys advanced to, and other indebtedness and obligations of the San <br />Leandro Redevelopment Agency, including bonded indebtedness, for purposes of financing the <br />redevelopment of the portion of the Joint Project Area within the City of San Leandro. <br />(k) A Successor Agency, an Oversight Board, and the State shall honor and recognize <br />the Agreement as an enforceable obligation of a Dissolved Agency within the meaning of the <br />Dissolution Statute, and shall not seek, directly or indirectly, to modify, impair, terminate, <br />suspend, avoid or otherwise adversely affect the Agreement or the rights of a Continuing Agency <br />under the Agreement. <br />CA)rltfr()lIefr is a4uthddr4zedi and di ed,t(A to al Pay di4ed°tl Y u.o ...d' aef, C7 orauinui rig '4ge ey the <br />eadi'h C7 orut'inuirig '4gerad y 4s entitled ..:under*le Agfr 'Iffl( 'Irlt, inehid ing Without 14"itatio n eaef, <br />.:d:d4m'a'�4r44dd.'r4x�, �x�d „4r4< �” ° a�.adh�4rd4 d'a'�''- �,hd'4.art4 &44 kr4�..rf4d�dldr'd'4d;� �;dd•�a'f4 b�d4�4d4 "^�4�,f4d..ir4 �,hd4 �:.�d�w °d;4r4d� �d4d:'� "d4r�4�;f4 <br />IraCaQd ne i io usi rig .. ....ddstatfli aR FSHarit to S°d4dation 33334 1', eh 'ddratinui rig geney and <br />ar� �..l.a�d,d,d�����drrmA "' d,r <,� hallmd'�1d 4d,r'� °.d�.dr 1'`ad4lll:a.d�:hd ..A4di:d'� gyro- dr1:m'h <� <br />�a �,� � y � <br />bd9r'::469ra Q4'` b469 bd'4r ' �.a d;As to 'Whief, d4aeh is entii.:e and of the 1 g4" &dd4'raad eta <br />(1) Each Continuing Agency, any Successor Agency, and the Auditor-Controller[.....` <br />the:,( "llalui .: l lf`. ,.h u,;ri.l da are authorized to enter into such other arrangements and agreements that <br />they deem appropriate to implement the purpose and intent of this section. <br />SECTION 3. This act is an urgency statute necessary for the immediate preservation of the <br />public peace, health, or safety. The facts constituting the necessity are: It is essential <br />immediately to harmonize the terms, purpose and intent of Part 1.8, Part 1.85, and Part 1.9 of <br />Division 24 of the Health and Safety Code as added by Chapters 5 and 6 of the 2011 -12 First <br />Extraordinary Session with the terms, purpose and intent of Health and Safety Code 33210.5, so <br />as to enable timely continuation of the redevelopment of the County of Alameda -City of San <br />Leandro Joint Redevelopment Project. <br />4 <br />819\32 \1011477.2 with 1011477.1 <br />Redline - 1013517.1.DOC <br />