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RulesCommunications Highlights 2011 0725
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Rules & Communications Committee
RulesCommunications Highlights 2011 0725
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8/30/2011 3:20:13 PM
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July 25, 2011 <br />l �,ti... <br />San Leandro City Council <br />CALIC� t IN1► <br />Rules and Communications Committee <br />ALIF lF2ANT <br />San Leandro City Hall <br />ASSOCIATION <br />835 East 14th Street <br />San Leandro, CA 94577 <br />RE: Polystyrene Foam Food Service Ware Ordinance - OPPOSE <br />Dear Mayor and Council, <br />The California Restaurant Association (CRA) on behalf of more than 22,000 member food service establishments, and <br />particularly our members in the City of San Leandro, respectfully opposes the polystyrene foam food service ware ban <br />proposal before you. This ordinance would have a disproportionate impact on small, low margin, mom - and -pop <br />establishments like many in City of San Leandro. Further, there are functionability, health and safety concerns that must <br />be considered. The restaurant industry has been used as a guinea pig to try out inferior products as regulators attempt to <br />address environmental challenges at the expense of a tough and struggling industry. The California Restaurant <br />Association was not made aware of today's presentation and discussion and would like to participate in the hearing as <br />well as work with the city on an issue that is very important to our association. We are deeply concerned about the Rules <br />and Communications Committee moving forward, having been absent from any and all communications regarding this <br />issue and respectfully ask the Committee to postpone discussion for this agenda item. <br />Having just recently learned about today's hearing a CRA representative is unable to attend the meeting this afternoon. <br />Immediately after learning of the hearing we requested to discuss this issue with the committee members but were unable <br />to coordinate a time. In other jurisdictions where similar proposals have been considered, CRA has worked closely with <br />the localities throughout the development process. <br />Considering the economic challenges of the last few years and the still unstable economic climate, this is the worst <br />possible time to add another costly mandate to restaurateurs or customers. People are eating out less and spending less <br />when they do eat out. Restaurant industry employment has declined consistently over the last year; profits are down and <br />food costs are rising; mandating yet another cost could cause restaurants to downsize staff or make other difficult <br />cutbacks to make ends meet. <br />The CRA supports workable solutions for the City's environmental goals that do not target and penalize a segment of <br />business and ensures practicality and affordability. We are eager to begin working collaboratively with the City of San <br />Leandro to develop a solution to meet the needs of all affected parties. We are confident that an acceptable compromise <br />can be achieved through open and inclusive discussion. We are requesting that the City of San Leandro defer <br />consideration of this matter until CRA and all affected parties have had the opportunity to engage in the development <br />process and share their concerns. <br />For these reasons, we respectfully request a continuance of this agenda item. <br />Thank you for your time and consideration. <br />Sincerely, <br />PREPARE TO BE INSPIRED. <br />621 Capitol Mall, Snits 2000 Sacramento, CA 95814 T: £300365.4842 F: 916.447,6182 wv; N, <br />
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