FY 2010-2011 CAPER -6- September 19, 2011
<br />To educate tenants and landlords about their rights and responsibilities, ECHO distributed a total
<br />of 1,915 educational materials, provided seventy-eight (78) public service announcements, and
<br />held one (1) training for property owners/managers. ECHO met or exceeded all of its goals by
<br />large percentages.
<br />♦ Davis Street Family Resource Center (DSFRC)
<br />Davis Street Family Resource Center assists with various activities related to affordable housing
<br />assistance for the homeless and very low-, low-, and moderate -income persons. Housing
<br />services provided include assistance with affordable housing information and helping to provide
<br />decent housing and a suitable living environment for eligible clients by referring them to rental
<br />opportunities in the city, including existing City below-market rate (BMR) units. DSFRC staff
<br />placed 139 families from San Leandro into housing units or waiting lists in BMR properties in
<br />San Leandro and other rental properties in other cities including Castro Valley, Hayward, San
<br />Lorenzo, Union City, Fremont, Tracy, Antioch, Richmond, Alameda, and Oakland. Five (5)
<br />families received Section 8 vouchers from the Housing Study, and two (2) families are now
<br />housed through the Livermore Section 8 housing voucher. Additionally, three (3) families,
<br />which were among fourteen (14) other families referred under the McKinney-Vento Act, were
<br />successfully housed in San Leandro. DSFRC continued to maintain its close relationship with
<br />Building Futures with Women and Children (BFWC) by providing supportive services, such as
<br />clothing, housing searches, employment counseling, medical, dental, family and individual
<br />counseling resources, to one -hundred and three (103) BFWC, Sister Me Home and Alameda
<br />Point Collaborative clients. DSFRC, moreover, continually sends updated BMR, low cost
<br />vacancy or waiting list, and open Section 8 waiting lists information to BFWC to keep them
<br />updated on affordable housing opportunities for their clients.
<br />♦ Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re -Housing Program (HPRP)
<br />The Mid -County Housing Resource Center (HRC) established at the DSFRC continued to
<br />provide homeless prevention and assistance services to homeless individuals and families and
<br />those at risk of homelessness. The HRC is funded by the $1.5 million Homeless Prevention and
<br />Rapid Re -Housing Program (HPRP) funds that BFWC, in coordination with the cities of San
<br />Leandro, Alameda, and Hayward; Alameda County Housing and Community Development
<br />Department; Abode Services; and DSFRC, received in 2009. In FY 2010-2011, through the
<br />provision of housing stabilization and financial assistance services, which include one-time back
<br />rent payments, security deposit payments, moving costs, rental assistance, back utility payments,
<br />utility deposits or payment assistance, and motel vouchers, the HRC prevented 335 San
<br />Leandrans (149 households) from becoming homeless and re -housed eighty-eight (88) San
<br />Leandrans (49 households).
<br />Priority: Support public services.
<br />♦ Services for Low-income Families, Children, Women in Crises, Seniors and Persons
<br />with Disabilities
<br />With CDBG funds, the City funded eight (8) projects which are operated by six (6) agencies --
<br />Building Futures with Women and Children (BFWC), Davis Street Family Resource Center
<br />(DSFRC), Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity (ECHO Housing), Girls, Inc., Safe
<br />Alternatives to Violent Environments (SAVE), and SOS/Meals on Wheels. Collectively, they
<br />provided the following services to a total of 16,177 low-income persons.
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