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Staff reported that the 2011 Addendum to the Settlement Agreement with the Port has been <br />signed by both the City and the Port, and that staff can now bring extensions to existing <br />agreements with the program consultant, C. Kell -Smith & Associates, and the construction <br />contractor, G.E. Chen, to the City Council for consideration. This will be placed on the <br />September 19 City Council agenda. <br />Once the contracts are approved and the Notice to Proceed is issued, the contractor can <br />order the materials and schedule construction for the Phase II homes when all materials are <br />all received and inspected. Construction could begin within the next six months. <br />The 73 homes waiting in Phase II of the Insulation Program have all been inspected, and <br />construction documents have been prepared. These homeowners have all signed the <br />required avigation easement for the project. However, C. Kell -Smith staff will be personally <br />contacting each homeowner to see if they still wish to participate in the program. Should <br />any of those homes decline or fall off, there are 30 homes on the waiting list for Phase III to <br />fill those slots. <br />Per the terms of the settlement agreement, Phase III to insulate the remaining 46 homes <br />will commence if and when the Port's debt service coverage ratio reaches an agreed upon <br />level for two consecutive fiscal years. However, in no case shall any construction begin <br />after December 21, 2017, which is the sunset date of the program. <br />Questions from the Committee included whether or not Phase II and the wait list homes <br />included rentals. All current Phase II homes are owner - occupied. Some of the wait list <br />homes are rentals. However, should the program go into Phase III, owner - occupied homes <br />will have first preference in participation. <br />South Field Group Community Representative John Manuel was unable to attend the <br />meeting. However, he had e- mailed a message (attached) to staff, which staff read to the <br />Committee, expressing his disappointment that the Airport Noise Insulation Program may <br />not be completed as originally agreed upon with the Port, and his view that the Port has an <br />obligation to act in good faith and complete the program as originally agreed. <br />2. Report from Airport Noise Office on Discussions with US Coast Guard Regarding <br />Training Flights Over San Leandro Neighborhoods <br />This meeting date fell on a holiday for Port staff (Admissions Day). Therefore, the Port's <br />Noise and Environmental Affairs Supervisor, Larry Galindo, provided a written report <br />(attached) regarding their offices' discussions with the Coast Guard about the impacts their <br />helicopter training flights into the North Field are having on area residents. The Noise <br />Office is working closely with the Coast Guard's new area Commander to have the training <br />flights use the South Field whenever possible. There are safety concerns with this <br />diversion, particularly because of wake turbulence risks for the helicopters following large <br />fixed -wing aircraft. However, progress is being made in these discussions. <br />Councilmember Prola commented that, at the last Airport /Community Noise Management <br />Forum meeting, resident Harold Perez, who has been most bothered by this activity, had an <br />opportunity to speak with the Coast Guard Commander and share his frustration about the <br />noise the flights are creating. <br />3. Report from North Field and South Field Study Groups and Aviation Stakeholders <br />Advisory Committee <br />