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Kathy Ornelas reported that, in an effort to be more efficient with time for staff from the Port, <br />its consultants, and participating City offices, the North Field and South Field groups have <br />merged for combined quarterly meetings. The first of these joint meetings occurred in June <br />and proved to be successful. Reports that had commonly been given to both groups can <br />now be given once to both audiences. Both groups continue to study flight operations and <br />airport projects. The most recent items of note have been the upgrades to their monitoring <br />systems, as well as the dialogue with the Coast Guard as described above. <br />The Committee agreed that it is important to have a second Community Representative in <br />the group that would represent the interests of the community related to the North Field. <br />The Committee and staff will continue to look for possible representation from the <br />community for this appointment. <br />4. Discussion Regarding Agenda Items for the Joint Meeting with the Port of Oakland <br />Board of Commissioners on Thursday, October 20, at 1:00 p.m. <br />The Port is placing an item on the meeting agenda to discuss the Airport Noise Insulation <br />Program. Committee members asked that staff ask John Manuel if his message can be <br />shared with the Port at the meeting. They also suggested that a statement be prepared to <br />come from the Committee, indicating that the City desires to see Phase III of the Insulation <br />Program proceed as was promised to the community, and that the City will continue to <br />focus on this goal. The statement should also include appreciation for Larry Galindo and <br />the Noise Management staff for all of the work they do to improve conditions for the <br />community and to help the City resolve problems resulting from Airport operations. <br />The Committee would also like to receive an update on construction projects at the Airport, <br />including the new Air Traffic Control tower and the Runway Safety Area improvement <br />project. Also, they asked staff to prepare a report from them to the Port on the status of the <br />Eden Road project. <br />5. Public Comments <br />Gerd Marggraff stated he has always had mixed feelings regarding the Settlement <br />Agreement. Separately, he has noticed a slight reduction in nighttime noise from the <br />Airport, and he credits that to the change in the FedEx fleet to quieter aircraft. He also <br />commented that he has seen water spouts coming off the Bay from the wake turbulence of <br />larger aircraft, so he understands the Coast Guard's concerns about mixing their helicopter <br />operations with larger aircraft. <br />6. Committee Member Comments <br />The Committee expressed thanks to Mr. Marggraff for his participation in the South Field <br />Group as he is an important asset to the efforts to improve conditions in the community. <br />They agreed that community focus helps the City make progress with the Airport on matters <br />of concern. <br />7. Adjourn <br />The meeting adjourned at 10:13 a.m. <br />