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MINUTES Page 3 <br /> City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting — September 19, 2011 <br /> City begin by banning polystyrene foam at City venues and City events, provide an adequate <br /> budget for outreach, and work with and ACI to meet its waste diversion goals. <br /> Miriam Gordon, Clean Water Action, addressed the City Council, expressing support for <br /> the ordinance, and providing the Council with a handout listing cost comparisons between <br /> polystyrene foam and non -foam alternative products. <br /> David Johnson, San Leandro Chamber of Commerce, addressed the City Council, <br /> expressing concern that the proposed ordinance targets small businesses, which are least able <br /> to afford to comply, and does not address the larger problem of major retailers. Mr. Johnson <br /> commented that compliance with the proposed ordinance should be voluntary. <br /> Walden Smith, East Hills 4 -H Club, addressed the City Council, commenting on the health <br /> dangers of polystyrene foam, and requesting that the Council pass the ordinance. <br /> Carrie Spector, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, expressing support for <br /> the ordinance, and urging the Council to pass it. <br /> Sarah Marxer, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting that she <br /> participated in the Coastal Cleanup this past weekend, and encountered polystyrene foam <br /> litter. Ms. Marxer urged the Council to adopt the ordinance. <br /> Don Franke, Sierra Club member and San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, <br /> urging the Council to pass the ordinance, and expressing hope that supermarkets would <br /> replace polystyrene foam trays with a recyclable alternative. <br /> Jack Boreczky, East Hills 4-1-1 Club, addressed the City Council, expressing support for the <br /> ordinance, and commenting that "being green" would help restaurants gain business. <br /> Mario Juarez, Sierra Club, addressed the City Council, expressing support for the <br /> ordinance. <br /> Chance Boreczky, East Hills 4 -H Club and San Leandro resident, addressed the City <br /> Council, expressing support for the ordinance and encouraging the Council's passage. <br /> Mark Stout, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting in support of <br /> the ordinance. <br /> Laura Stout, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, urging the Council to pass <br /> the ordinance. <br /> Tim Holmes, San Leandro resident and business owner, addressed the City Council, <br /> commenting that his was the first Certified Green Business in San Leandro. Mr. Holmes <br /> requested that the Council reject this ordinance, and work with local businesses to develop a <br /> more effective ordinance that also addresses large retailers, such as WalMart and Safeway. <br />