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Reserve Policy and General Fund -Page 2 of 3 - October 21, 2011 <br />Related to Fund Balance Designations and Reserves Management the Financial Goals Statement <br />spells out the following: <br />C. Fund Balance Designations and Reserves Management <br />The City will maintain fund or working capital balances of at least 20% of operating <br />expenditures in the General Fund and Enterprise Funds. This is considered the <br />minimum level necessary to maintain the City's credit worthiness and to adequately <br />provide for: <br />(i) Economic uncertainties, local disasters, and other financial hardships or <br />downturns in the local or national economy. <br />(ii) Contingencies for unseen operating or capital needs. <br />(iii) Cash flow requirements. <br />DISCUSSION <br />The General Fund finances the operations of the City that have no special or dedicated revenue <br />sources and pays for all basic municipal operations. The General Fund reserve, based on City <br />Council direction, sets aside savings for economic uncertainty, emergencies, and other future <br />contingency. Reserves allow for the designation of funds received for the Kaiser Hospital <br />development, Street Improvement Funds and Community Impact Fund, and Other Designations <br />(including equipment acquisitions, encumbrances, and the Plaza loan repayment on the <br />worksheet). <br />Together, the Major Emergencies and Economic Uncertainty designations reflect the General <br />Fund reserves set aside for future unplanned contingencies. The amount of the Major <br />Emergencies reserve has remained unchanged during the recent years of depressed economics. <br />The reserve has remained at $5,000,000 since 2007 -08. The Economic Uncertainty reserve, at <br />$10,033,000 in 2007 -08, has since been partially utilized for operations over the past several <br />years. The balance in the Economic Uncertainty is $3,796,500. This amount reflects the June <br />30, 2011 unaudited balance and the 2011 -12 budget was approved without any further draw - <br />down of the reserve. <br />The Major Emergencies and the Economic Uncertainty reserves totaled $15,033,000 in 2007 -08, <br />about 19% of the General Fund operating expenditures ($77,397,000). The percentage has <br />declined over the past several years and was recorded at 13% as of June 30, 2011. Staff <br />recommends a transfer of $2,000,000 from the General Funds fund balance to the Economic <br />Uncertainty reserve as part of the mid -year budget amendment resolution to be presented to the <br />City Council. This transfer will bring the Major Emergency reserve and the Economic <br />Uncertainty reserve total $10,796,000, about 15% of the General Fund operating expenditures. <br />This transfer moves the percentage significantly closer to the City Council's goal of 20 %. <br />G:AFinance CommitteeA2011- 12 \10- 21 -11 \fc memo re cc reserve policy and GF reserves as of 6- 30- 11.docx <br />