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File Number: 11 -386 <br />proposed rates, and explained that there have been approximately 60 lost permit <br />holders since the start of construction. In order to utilize the new garage capacity, <br />rates should be set to encourage the 60 permit parkers to return to the garage as well <br />as attract additional parkers to the 134 new spaces. <br />Cynthia explained that maintenance of the garage will be approximately $125,000, <br />including keeping it clean and well lit. Staff requests a recommendation to bring the <br />proposed reserved parking fee of $70 /month, the unreserved parking permit fee of <br />$45 /month and a new daily parking fee of $2.50 /day to the City Council for adoption. <br />The estimate is that these rates will generate $156,000 the first year. Assuming the <br />garage is at full capacity the years following, it will generate $178,000 - $225,000 <br />annually. <br />Discussion ensued. Staff responded to questions from the Committee. <br />Councilmember Starosciak asked if the Chamber of Commerce is a factor. Cynthia <br />stated that the Chamber was given 3 designated covered parking spaces on top of <br />their condominium unit. Councilmember Starosciak asked if the Chamber is <br />responsible for its utilities. Cynthia stated that it is responsible for its own utilities and <br />water. Outside graffiti will be the responsibility of the City. Councilmember Starosciak <br />asked if fees could be adjusted by Council if they are not sufficient. Cynthia stated <br />that Council can adjust fees and make necessary modifications. Cynthia explained <br />that vehicle license recognition technology will be used at the garage to monitor <br />permit holders and those parking for $2.50 a day. A request for proposals for the <br />parking equipment and software is currently being drafted. <br />Councilmember Souza asked what would happen if someone objected to a parking <br />ticket. Cynthia explained that the same parking rules apply and the driver would <br />contact the police department. Councilmember Starosciak stated that she thinks <br />there should be 3 -hour parking because we want to encourage people to spend more <br />time downtown. Council members Cutter and Souza agreed that 3 -hour parking is a <br />good idea. <br />Committee Recommendation <br />The Committee recommends that staff proceed with presenting the proposed parking <br />rates to the City Council for consideration. <br />Jacqui Diaz requested that Item 4 be moved to Item 3 on the agenda. <br />Discussion Regarding Transfer of Property Storm Water Pump Station <br />Tara Peterson stated that the Transfer of Property Storm Water Pump Station was <br />discussed at the previous Facilities and Transportation Committee Meeting on <br />October 11, 2011 and asked that it be removed from the agenda. <br />4. Discussion Regarding San Leandro Sports Complex - Land Use Agreement with <br />San Leandro Unified School District <br />Tara Peterson gave a presentation regarding San Leandro Sports Complex - Land <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 11/29/2011 <br />