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WEST SAN LEANDRO SHUTTLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ANNUAL REPORT FY 2011 -12 <br />The LINKS budget for FY 2011 -12 and anticipated budget for FYs 2012 -13 and 2013 -14 can be <br />found on page 6. The proposed expenditures are approximately $300,000 annually the next three <br />fiscal years. The following is a narrative of other items of interest. <br />• BID revenue is projected at $125,000 in FY 2011 -12 with the recommended increase in <br />the BID rates with similar increases in future years. <br />• Staff is working with MTC to extend the Lifeline grant term of three years to allow full <br />recovery. <br />• A TFCA grant of $66,605 is anticipated to be received FY 2011 -12. This grant was <br />awarded for FY 2010 -11 however the funds have not yet been received. An additional <br />TFCA grant of $44,500 is anticipated to be awarded for FY 2011 -and received FY 2012- <br />13. <br />• The SLTMO will continue to pursue additional grant funding for FY 2012 -13 and <br />beyond, such as the Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) grant funding <br />administered by the BAAQMD. An application for a TFCA grant of $52,000 was <br />submitted to the BAAQMD for consideration. At the time of this report, the application is <br />still being considered. If awarded the funds would likely be received in the FY 2013 -14, <br />due to the reimbursement process. <br />• The SLTMO will continue to pursue additional grant funding for FY 2012 -13 and <br />beyond, such as the Lifeline grant funding administered by the Metropolitan <br />Transportation Commission (MTC). <br />51Page <br />