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8H Consent 2011 1205
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Packet 2011 1205
8H Consent 2011 1205
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WEST SAN LEANDRO SHUTTLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ANNUAL REPORT FY 2011 -12 <br />obtaining grant funding through the reimbursement process, the Redevelopment Agency <br />contribution, which was zero in FY 2009 -10, was $50,000 for FY 2010 -11. <br />New Contract for Transportation Provider <br />The contract with the LINKS service provider was set to expire on December 31, 2010. In <br />October 2010, the San Leandro Transportation Management Organization ( SLTMO) issued a <br />Request For Proposals (RFP) to provide transportation services for LINKS. The scope of <br />services outlined in the RFP was similar to the operations described above. The RFP was <br />provided to 20 transportation service providers and the SLTMO received four proposals. Two of <br />the proposals' rates exceeded the current rate, at the time, of $60.90 per operating hour. The two <br />other proposals were significantly less for operating the service for a three year term. One <br />proposal equaled a 13.7 percent reduction and the other even less at a 16.3 percent reduction <br />($50.97 per hour). <br />After interviews and negotiations, the SLTMO awarded the contract to the provider with the <br />lowest rate, MV Transportation, who is also the current provider, as they found it to be the best <br />service and price. MV had the required vehicles, the branding, and a nearby corporation yard. <br />The SLTMO found advantageous that having the extra vehicle and nearby corporation yard <br />would have the least impact on LINKS operations if a vehicle breakdown occurred during its <br />operating hours. <br />LINKS Proposed Operations for Fiscal Year 2011 -12 <br />The rider survey is a valuable tool in measuring ridership satisfaction, providing information to <br />possibly improve the shuttle service, and providing required data and findings to agencies that <br />award grant funding using ridership survey information, such as the ACTC, BAAQMD and the <br />MTC. <br />To promote LINKS, continued outreach and marketing will be performed. The budget includes <br />funding for marketing and advertising. This funding can be used for various marketing and <br />communication efforts to inform employers and their employees of the benefits and convenience <br />of using the LINKS Shuttle. <br />Fiscal Year 2011 -12 Proposed Budget <br />In addition to the cost reduction measures for LINKS, it is necessary to increase revenue by <br />increasing the BID rates with reduced funding assistance in jeopardy; additional grants are being <br />pursued as well. Per the approved Ordinance, the BID may be increased annually by the <br />Consumer Price Index (CPI). This Fiscal Year's CPI factor is 1.4% which would result in the <br />BID Base Rate increasing to $25.35 from $25.00, and the BID Rate Per Employee increasing to <br />$11.03 from $10.88. Businesses with five or fewer employees, landlords, and non - profits would <br />remain exempt from the BID. <br />41Page <br />
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