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File Number: 11 -363 <br />Analysis <br />Hesperian Boulevard is a six -lane principal arterial with <br />trips at a posted speed limit of 40 MPH. There are on <br />16 AMTRACK passenger trains at speeds up to 79 MPH. <br />an approximately 45 degree angle. There is no recent <br />the improvements will focus on pedestrian safety. The <br />construction; detectable warning surface installation; and cross) <br />an average of 32,000 daily vehicle <br />average 28 train crossings, including <br />The track crosses the roadway at <br />history of train - vehicle collisions so <br />improvements will include: sidewalk <br />valk and bus stop relocation. <br />Upon execution of the contract the City will complete the following design and improvement <br />items: <br />1. Construct 60 feet of sidewalk in the northeast quadrant. <br />2. Widen the sidewalk in the remaining quadrants to provide sufficient width in the area <br />of the railroad warning devices. <br />3. Install detectable warning surfaces at each pedestrian approach to the track. <br />4. Install a crosswalk, associated signals and curb -ramps on the south leg of the <br />intersection at Springlake Drive and eliminate the existing crosswalk, associated <br />signals and curb ramps on the north leg of the intersection. <br />Execution of the contract will obligate the City to complete the improvements; including <br />providing and furnishing all labor, materials and contracting required. Caltrans will be <br />obligated to pay the actual allowable cost for design and construction incurred up to the limit <br />of $191,620, which is 100% of the estimated cost of the project. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />Goal: 20 Interagency Coordination - Policy 20.06 Railroads. <br />Environmental Review <br />Environmental review will be completed and will be brought to the Council at the time of <br />advertisement for construction bids. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />This grant- funded project will cost $191,620. Funding will be provided by Caltrans through <br />the Section 130 Program, Title 23 USC, which does not require a local match. <br />Budget Authority <br />The project was identified and approved in the 2010 - 2011 Budget as the Pedestrian Safety <br />Improvements at Railroad Crossings project, Account No. 150 -38 -325. <br />PREPARED BY: Keith R. Cooke, Principal Engineer, Engineering and Transportation <br />Department <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 1112912011 <br />