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File Number: 11 -433 <br />Director O'Leary, Deputy Finance Director Rodriguez, Budget & <br />Compliance Manager Perini, Administrative Assistant III Perez <br />Public Present: Robert Larkin <br />The meeting was called to order at 8:15 a.m. <br />1. Discussion on Legal Fees and Claim Settlement /Judgments Budget and <br />Expenditures <br />• 2011 -12 Budget, Legal Fees and Claim Settlements /Judgments <br />• Legal Fee Budget and Expenditures 2008 -09 thru 2010 -11 <br />• Liability and Workers' Compensation Claims Costs and Settlements 2008 -09 <br />thru 2010 -11 <br />• Review of $1 million Liability Self- Insured Retention <br />Interim Finance Director O'Leary presented five attachments to the Finance Committee for <br />the discussion on legal fees. <br />Attachment 1- 2011 -12 Budget, Legal and Claim Settlements /Judgments, reflected City <br />Council Adopted Budget, as amended. Mr. O'Leary explained to the Committee that the <br />amended budget to the Legal Fee line item reflects the increase to the City Attorney's <br />retainer that was erroneously left out during the budget process as well as the consolidation <br />of General Fund appropriations that were previously separated; this includes line items in the <br />Human Resources, Police Administration, and Red Light budgets. Staff has amended the <br />way legal fees are shown in the budget so that it is clear how much is being spent on legal <br />fees and how much is paid in Settlements /Judgments. <br />Attachment 2 - Legal Fee Budgets and Expenditures, compares the legal fee budget and <br />expenditures from 2008 -09 through 2010 -11 and showed how the expenditures within <br />Settlements /Judgments included legal fees for both liability and workers compensation. <br />Beginning in 2011 -12, legal fees will be charged to a separate line item. <br />Attachment 3 - Self Insurance Claim Settlements /Judgments, compares the budget and <br />expenditures for Workers' Compensation, Unemployment, and General Liability and Fire <br />Settlements /Judgments for 2008 -09 through 2010 -11. Mayor Cassidy commented on how <br />the budgets have decreased over the years but the expenditures have increased. Interim <br />City Manager Marshall stated that this coming fiscal year, staff will look into increasing the <br />budget. Expenses have increased primarily due to lawsuits within the Police Department. <br />City Attorney Williams explained that a lawsuit does not incur expenses in the year that it is <br />filed but perhaps 2 or 3 years in the future. <br />Attachment 4 - Summary of Liability Claims by Type, provided a summary of claims by type <br />from 2003 -04 through 2010 -11. The type of claims included Trip and Falls, Sewer and <br />Water, Police, Streets, Parks and Pools, and other. Other claims are related to parking <br />garage and operations, labor practices, and contract issues. <br />Attachment 5 - AON Report on $1 Million Liability Self- Insured Retention Analysis, Mr. <br />O'Leary presented the analysis AON has completed as requested by the City to evaluate if <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 12/13/2011 <br />