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File Number: 11 -433 <br />the $1 million Self- Insurance Retention (SIR) is adequate, as well as to provide some <br />financial benchmarks to evaluate its fund balance. According to the analysis, the current <br />SIR, historically, has saved the City money. Mayor Cassidy inquired about lowering the SIR <br />to $500,000. Mr. O'Leary stated that the SIR can be lowered to $500,000; however, the <br />premium would increase $30,000 annually. Mayor Cassidy asked staff to inquire about <br />reducing from $1 million to $500,000 for the remainder of the fiscal year. If this is possible, <br />Mayor Cassidy stated that staff can bring this action directly to the City Council, and it does <br />not have to come back to the Finance Committee. Staff will inquire with our risk pool, <br />California Joint Powers Risk Management Authority (CJPRMA). <br />Mayor Cassidy would like to see how much has been spent in legal fees and would like an <br />analysis if the Settlements /Judgments budget should be increased for this year. Ms. <br />Marshall stated that staff will be analyzing the budgets and will bring to Finance Committee <br />with the Mid -Year Adjustments. <br />Mayor Cassidy inquired about the future of the Finance Committee. Ms. Marshall stated the <br />Department Heads will be making recommendations for Council consideration regarding the <br />various committees in January at the City Council retreat. <br />2. Continued Discussion Regarding Plan for Refinancing CalPERS Public Safety <br />Retirement Plan Side Fund <br />Draft Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Pension Obligation Bonds to <br />Refinance Outstanding Side Obligations <br />Resolution Authorizing Inter -Fund Loan and Appropriation of $6 Million to <br />Pay Down CalPERS Public Safety Side Fund <br />Interim City Manager Marshall introduced two reports for the Refinancing of CalPERS Public <br />Safety Retirement Side Plan. Mr. O'Leary updated the Finance Committee on the process <br />of the refinancing. The courts have approved the first step in the sale of the bonds and staff <br />anticipates the validation process to be complete by the beginning of January 2012. Mr. <br />Robert Larkin of Morgan, Keegan & Company, Underwriters for the refinancing, also spoke <br />to the Finance Committee and stated that although interest rates have gone up, they are still <br />attractive. <br />Mayor Cassidy asked staff to brief the Committee in a future meeting on the other debts and <br />their rates. <br />Recommendation to City Council <br />Finance Committee recommends going to Council with the Resolution Authorizing the Sale <br />of the Pension Obligation Bonds to Refinance the Outstanding Side Obligations as well as <br />the Resolution Authorizing Inter -Fund Loan and Appropriation of $6 million to Pay Down <br />CalPERS Public Safety Side Fund. <br />3. Continued Discussion Regarding Budget Development for 2012 -13 City Budget <br />Mr. O'Leary informed the Finance Committee that the 2012 -13 budget process was officially <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 12/13/2011 <br />