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will reimburse the City in the following amounts: <br />• Within the first year - Manager will reimburse the <br />City the full amount ($16,500); <br />• Within the second year - Manager will reimburse <br />the City 50% of the amount ($8,250); and <br />• Within the third year - Manager will reimburse City <br />25% ($4,125). <br />8. Automobile <br />Manager will not receive a monthly automobile allowance. Manager shall be entitled to <br />receive mileage reimbursement at the IRS approved rate for any job related travel outside of City <br />limits in accordance with the Cats mileage reimbursement policy. <br />9. General Business Expenses and Outside Professional Activities <br />a. The City agrees to budget and pay for professional dues and subscriptions <br />reasonably necessary to ensure Manager's participation in such programs that enhance <br />Manager's standing and the City's reputation, including national, regional, state and local <br />associations and organizations. These organizations will include, but are not limited to the <br />International City Management Association (ICMA) and the League of California Cities. <br />b. The City agrees to budget and pay for reasonable travel and subsistence <br />expenses of Manager for official travel and meetings, including but not limited to the ICMA <br />Annual Conference and the League of California Cities meetings and conferences. <br />C. City acknowledges the value of having Manager participate and be directly <br />involved in local civic clubs and organizations on behalf of the City Accordingly, City shall <br />budget and pay reasonable membership fees and dues to enable Manager to become an active <br />member. <br />Except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement, Manager is entitled <br />to reimbursement for all sums necessarily and reasonably incurred and paid by him in the <br />performance of his duties. Manager shall execute and submit an expense reimbursement form <br />with appropriate supporting documentation to the City for any such claims, as required by City's <br />laws or policies. <br />Agreement for Employment of City Manager <br />Between the City of San Leandro and Chris Zapata <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />