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�ti��d�^ -Yi <br />Fiscal Year 2011 <br />Indicate Only Those Achievements Completed During the Fiscal Year of this Report as a Direct Result <br />of the Activities of the Redevelopment Agency. <br />Please provide a description of the agency's <br />Achievement Information (Unaudited) <br />Square Footage Completed <br />activities /accomplishments during the past <br />Enter the amount of square <br />year. <br />footage completed this year by <br />(Please be specific, as this information will <br />building type and segregated by <br />new or rehabilitated construction <br />be the basis for possible inclusion in the <br />publication.) <br />Activity Report <br />Commercial Buildings <br />Industrial Buildings <br />Public Buildings <br />Other Buildings <br />Total Square Footage <br />Enter the Number of Jobs Created <br />from the Activities of the Agency <br />Types Completed <br />The Agency is active in three redevelopment project areas: the Plaza Project Area, <br />the Alameda County — City of San Leandro Project Area (also known as the "Joint" <br />Project Area), and the West San Leandro /MacArthur Boulevard Project Area. The <br />Agency is also active in funding affordable housing activities throughout the city. <br />Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33080.1 (d), selected <br />accomplishments for Fiscal Year 2010 -11 include: <br />Redevelopment Agency creation of a Branding and Marketing Strategy to <br />ease visitors and attract new businesses. To assist in this process, the Agency <br />ied a Branding and Marketing Working Group, consisting of 23 leaders from <br />City's business community. The first two meetings of the Working Group were <br />i in April and May of 2011 and the group made substantial progress to the <br />elopment of a Branding and Marketing Strategy. <br />ie Agency initiated development of a Broadband Strategy, designed to facilitate <br />iproved access to high -speed internet in commercial and industrial areas in the <br />ity. The Agency hired a technical consultant and began collecting data on current <br />;rvice availability by reaching out to service providers and local businesses. <br />The Agency also began working with OSlsoft, a local software company on a <br />proposal to license existing City conduit for the installation of a fiber optic loop <br />throughout approximately 10 miles in the City. The fiber loop will be a business <br />attraction tool, allowing the City's industrial properties to be re- purposed as high- <br />New <br />Construction <br />. ................. <br />Rehabilitated <br />A= Utilities B= Recreation C= Landscaping D= Sewer/ Storm E= Streets/ Roads <br />F= Bus/Transit <br />Achievement Information (Unaudited) Page 1 12/15/2011 <br />