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File Number: 12-025 <br />The meeting was called to order at 4:07 p.m. <br />Discussion Regarding I-880 HOV Project <br />Keith Cooke gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the I-880 HOV project. He gave a brief <br />recap of the project and the results of the public outreach for the aesthetic features. Keith asked <br />for the Committee's recommendation on going forward with the consensus on the aesthetic <br />features to City Council. He stated that staff will then provide Caltrans with a resolution stating <br />the City's desires for the project. Keith stated that Alameda County Transportation Committee <br />staff would like to come and talk about the project, traffic handling plans and public outreach in <br />February at a Council Work Session or Facilities Committee meeting. The design will be <br />completed in March. A neighborhood meeting will be scheduled for September after a <br />contractor has been selected. <br />Discussion ensued. Staff responded to questions from the Committee. Councilmember Cutter <br />stated that there are still concerns for pedestrian and bicycle safety on the Davis overpass. <br />Councilmember Starosciak asked about the changes to the aesthetics of the project. Keith stated <br />that there were concerns about graffiti and vandalism and the costs associated with clean up. <br />Council members Souza and Starosciak stated that the full City Council should see the project <br />and feel that it would be best to have a presentation at a Council Work Session. Councilmember <br />Starosciak stated that better graphics of sidewalks, bicycle lanes, traffic signals and traffic lanes <br />would be helpful when making the presentation. <br />Committee Recommendation <br />The Committee recommends presenting the aesthetic design of the project to the full City <br />Council. <br />2. Discussion Regarding Alameda County Transportation Commission Issues <br />Keith Cooke gave a PowerPoint presentation on the Alameda County Transportation <br />Commission (ACTC). Keith discussed the Transportation Expenditure Plan (TEP) and other key <br />issues. He explained that outreach and survey efforts show that the public has a strong desire to <br />restore transit service to previous or even higher levels. Keith stated that the ACTC is working <br />to ensure flexibility in Transit -Oriented Development (TOD) funding for local streets and <br />rehabilitation work. He discussed funding categories and TEP projects. Keith noted that <br />Councilmember Starosciak's representation on the ACTC Board has helped staff submit a major <br />street rehabilitation project that will help restore the city streets. He explained that the goal is for <br />the County Board of Supervisors to put the TEP on the ballot in July for the November election <br />once all necessary approval steps are taken. <br />Discussion ensued. Staff responded to questions from the Committee. Councilmember Souza <br />asked if placing the item on the ballot will extend Measure B for twenty years to give the City <br />the funds to do these projects. Uche Udemezue stated that is correct. It will increase the <br />revenue for the existing measure in addition to extending the measure for twenty years, which <br />will generate more funding. Councilmember Cutter asked Councilmember Starosciak to <br />advocate for pedestrian and bicycle issues strongly. Councilmember Starosciak stated that she <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 1/31/2012 <br />