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COUNCIL,MEMBERS HANDBOOK APPENDIX G <br />It ' <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />GUIDELINES REGARDING THE USE OF CITY ELECTRONIC <br />COMMUNICATIONS <br />Purpose of the Guidelines: <br />To provide guidance to the City Council on the recommended use of the City's Electronic <br />Communications Systems (including the electronic mail system). <br />Definition: <br />Electronic Communications encompasses any kind of communication created by, retrieved by, <br />sent to, or stored by any City User utilizing any City- provided Electronic Communications <br />System, including all information, data and attachments related to those communications. <br />Specific types of Electronic Communication Systems include Internet communications, <br />electronic mail (E- Mail), voice mail systems, and text messaging through a cellular phone. <br />Guidelines: <br />E -Mail is intended to function as a convenient and efficient method of communicating transitory <br />information in an electronic format. <br />The E -Mail System is not designed as a tool for the storage of data. Each City User is assigned 1 <br />gigabyte (GB) of storage for their Outlook files. The size of City Users' Outlook Boxes, <br />including E -mail, calendar, tasks, notes, contacts, folders, etc., directly impacts the performance <br />of Outlook. Accordingly, large files and pictures should be stored outside of Outlook whenever <br />possible. <br />The forwarding of E -Mails from City computer systems or through City provided E -Mail <br />accounts by employees or public officials to any personal or other E -Mail account that is not a <br />City provided email account that belongs to, or is managed by the employee or public official is <br />strongly discouraged. Users are cautioned that any E -Mail sent or forwarded from a City <br />computer system or email account to a personal email account may subject that entire personal <br />account to disclosure pursuant to a public records request. An email sent from a personal email <br />account to a City email account or City computer system is a public record subject to disclosure <br />under the California Public Records Act. <br />Council Members should be aware of potential Brown Act violations when Council Members <br />discuss matters within the City's subject matter jurisdiction outside of a publicly noticed <br />meeting, which includes through E -Mail or other Electronic Communication System. Council <br />Members should be aware of the potential to engage in a seriatim meeting that violates the <br />