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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE <br />TITLE I CITY COUNCIL <br />EXHIBIT A <br />Chapter 11 Policy Governing Use of Computer Systems, E -Mail and Information <br />Security <br />e. Any City -owned computer systems provided to or used by employees and public <br />officials of the City should be returned to the City Manager's Office immediately <br />upon request. <br />(3) Unacceptable Uses <br />City computer systems shall not be used for: <br />a. Personal gain, outside business activities, political activity, fundraising, or <br />charitable activity without the express authorization of the City Manager. <br />b. Libelous, offensive, or harassing statements, documents or images, including <br />disparagement of others based on their race, national origin, sex, sexual <br />orientation, age, disability, religious or political beliefs. <br />c. Sending or soliciting sexually oriented messages or images; accessing internet <br />sites which are "adult- oriented" in nature, or which require the user to be over the <br />age of 18 years, or which offer gambling services, or which contain obscene <br />content of any nature. Employees of the Police Department are exempt when <br />performing duties that require him or her to perform these prohibited activities. <br />d. Impersonation of any person or communication under a false or unauthorized <br />name. <br />e. Inappropriate mass mailing or "spamming." <br />f Knowingly or maliciously introducing any invasive or destructive programs (i.e. <br />viruses, worms, Trojan Horses) into City computer systems or networks. <br />g. Attempting to circumvent local or network system security measures. <br />(4) Information Security. <br />a. City employees and elected officials access City computer systems with a unique <br />identification and password. In order to protect City equipment and information, <br />Department Responsible for Revision: City Manager's Office Chapter 1.11 <br />12 /2011 - -Draft Page 3 <br />