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Temporary Sales Tax Measure, November 2010 2 July 19, 2010 <br />considered for revenue enhancements included a parcel tax, development of landscape and <br />lighting districts, and increased sales tax. Based on the desired ability to provide general <br />municipal services, enhancement to the sales tax was the most feasible of the options. In <br />addition to the questions related to increasing revenue, the poll included questions related to the <br />desired longevity of a potential measure; the results showed strongest support for a temporary <br />measure, with a sunset period of seven years. <br />The next phase of public input included the appointment of a Citizen's Budget Task Force in <br />October 2009. As part of the pending budget development process, the committee helped to <br />identify priorities for City services. The final component of community input was launched in <br />winter 2010 with a Community Feedback Survey mailed to residents. The survey was also <br />placed on the City's website. Staff attended over 25 community meetings to inform the <br />community about the fiscal crisis and obtain input by providing the feedback survey at those <br />meetings. To date, over 1000 surveys were submitted from the community; the feedback <br />strongly supported the results of the poll that had been conducted in August. These results were <br />considered when staff developed the 2010 -11 budget for consideration by the City Council. <br />DISCUSSION <br />The recommendation is to place a quarter cent transactions and use (sales) tax, with a seven year <br />sunset, on the November 2010 ballot. Below is the concept for consideration: <br />Temporary Sales Tax Measure — Overview <br />• Tax would be imposed on retail transactions involving purchase and use of personal <br />property (sales); <br />• Tax rate would be one - quarter of one percent (0.25 %), of the sales price of the <br />transaction; <br />• Tax would be imposed for seven years and expire automatically unless extended by the <br />voters; <br />• Tax is collected by the State Board of Equalization and remitted to the City; <br />• Estimated to provide approximately $4 million annually for the duration of seven years; <br />• The revenue would be would be used to support general municipal services; <br />• Revenue legally required to stay in San Leandro for local services and cannot be taken by <br />the State; <br />• A Citizens Advisory Committee would be established to provide oversight; <br />• Tax measure shall be approved if the affirmative votes are at least a simple majority. <br />Sample Ballot Question Language <br />The following is the proposed ballot language to be used in the upcoming election, should the <br />Council decide to place the measure on the November 2, 2010 ballot. It has been approved by <br />the City Attorney and meets the specific legal and technical requirements of the proposed sales <br />tax measure. We therefore recommend that no changes be made to the proposed ballot language. <br />The Council may authorize the Mayor or a subcommittee of two councilmembers to file an <br />argument in favor of the measure and a rebuttal to an argument filed against it, and to work with <br />an independent campaign committee on the preparation of the argument and rebuttal. <br />