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2A Work Session 2012 0214
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Packet 2012 0214
2A Work Session 2012 0214
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2/10/2012 4:36:42 PM
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2/10/2012 4:36:22 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Mayor Cassidy asked Mr. Sims if the City is currently obligated to fund a Capital <br />Improvement Project (CIP) that will now have to be funded by the General Fund. Mr. <br />Sims stated that there are no pending CIPs at this time. However, the Eden Road <br />Project will be affected as the RDA had entered into an agreement with the City which <br />most likely not be allowed even though it is listed as an enforceable obligation. <br />Mr. Sims stated that revenue will be received in three ways: Redistributed Property Tax: <br />$760,000 /annually; Administrative Allowance (as stated by the Law), $250,000 /annually; <br />and City of San Leandro Pass - Through Payments, $310,000 /annually. Therefore, the <br />total funds to be allocated are $1,320,000. <br />Mayor Cassidy inquired about possible litigations or legal expenses related to former <br />RDA obligations. Administrative Analyst Kay stated that any lawsuits associated with <br />enforceable obligations can be paid through the tax increments received for the debts. <br />Any other legal inquiries will have to be budgeted and paid from the $250,000 <br />administrative allowance fund. <br />Mr. Sims presented the Committee with a plan for Future Funding Targets and how the <br />funding may be allocated, assuming the entire $1,320,000 is allocated to business <br />development and housing programs. The funding of $1,320,000 is to be distributed as <br />follows: Staffing, $775,000; Programs, $326,000; Overhead, $171,000, and <br />Administration, $48,000. <br />Mr. Sims presented a matrix to the Committee which explained in detail staffing, <br />programs, and administrative expenses funded by RDA. Mr. Sims explained that $1.2 <br />million is what is currently paid from RDA for staffing. Of the total available funding of <br />$1.3 million, only $775k is designated for staffing, and therefore staffing expenditures <br />will need to be reduced by $425k. Mr. Sims also went over programs that may have to <br />be reduced or eliminated. <br />Mayor Cassidy instructed staff to provide the City Council at the February 14, 2012 <br />Work Session an explanation of the funding the City will receive: what is restricted and <br />what is unrestricted, as well as how will the General Fund be able to absorb the <br />additional $200,000 overhead expenses? Also, Mayor Cassidy would like a breakdown <br />of all expenses, e.g. memberships; he does not want expenses lumped into a generic <br />category. Also, the City Council should be given a complete explanation of the various <br />programs and how are they beneficial to the city. <br />Mayor Cassidy also directed Mr. Sims and staff to present the City Council with a <br />Scenario B. He would like to see what programs can be retained if staffing cost were <br />further reduced. With this, Mayor Cassidy also instructed staff to research how much <br />notice must employees receive regarding lay -offs and what type of severance, if <br />possible, can be provided. Also, can other departments take on some of the <br />responsibilities that are currently with Community Development staff, e.g. the Finance <br />Department may be able to absorb some of the financial functions or perhaps <br />contracted to a third party administrator. <br />
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