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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />CITY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE <br />February 3, 2012 <br />8:15am — 9:45am <br />San Leandro City Hall <br />835 East 14th Street <br />San Leandro, California <br />(Sister Cities Gallery) <br />Committee Members: Mayor Cassidy, Vice Mayor Gregory <br />City Staff Present: City Manager Zapata, Assistant City Manager Marshall, Interim <br />Finance Director O'Leary, Community Development Director Luke Sims, Business <br />Development Manager Battenberg, Deputy Finance Director Rodriguez, Housing -CDBG <br />Manager Liao, Budget & Compliance Manager Perini, Administrative Analyst Kay, <br />Community Relations Representative Ornelas, Sr. Accountant Galvin, Administrative <br />Assistant III Perez <br />Public Present: Dave Johnson, David Grodin <br />The meeting was called to order at 8:15 a.m. <br />1. Discussion Regarding Impacts of Eliminating the redevelopment Agency and <br />Plans for Maintaining Limited City Business Development and Housing Services <br />Mayor Cassidy began by thanking Community Development and Finance for providing <br />as much information as possible prior to the meeting. Mayor Cassidy stated that at this <br />meeting, there will be feedback to the presentation but there will be no <br />recommendations or decisions. <br />Community Development Director Sims presented the Finance Committee with an <br />overview of the impacts of the loss of the Redevelopment Agency. The overview <br />includes: Financial Impact, the RDA programs, Project Management and Services, and <br />Staffing and Administration. <br />Mr. Sims provided a chart of the Annual Revenue Allocation that illustrated the <br />magnitude of the loss. The Agency's Successor Agency will continue to have debt and <br />through the County Auditor Controller, the Successor Agency will continue to receive <br />tax increments for identified obligations, e.g. Bayfair $250k, SLUSD Gym $160k, and <br />Bonds $4.2 million. Mayor Cassidy inquired about the Bayfair obligation and asked Mr. <br />Sims when the obligation has been paid if the City will receive the $250k? Mr. Sims <br />stated the City will receive a portion of that amount. Once an obligation on the <br />Enforceable Obligation Payment Schedule is completed, the total will then be distributed <br />annually to all taxing entities, of which the City is one. Essentially, the City will continue <br />to receive tax increment funds for the identified obligations as well as the Pass - Through <br />funds (for schools and County). What will be eliminated or reduced is the funding the <br />City had received for one -time Capital Improvement Projects of $3.1 million. The <br />proposal presented reduces remaining funding for Programs from $1.5 million to $326k, <br />and funding for Admin /Staffing /Overhead will be reduced from $1.9 million to $994k. <br />