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File Number: 12 -059 <br />Chamber business assistance programs the City will sponsor. The programs to be sponsored <br />are presented to the Business and Housing Development Committee for input and approval. <br />In the past, the City's contribution was $10,000 annually. Since 2009, this amount was <br />increased to approximately $45,000 annually. A return to the previous support level is <br />recommended. <br />Downtown Business Association - In the past the Redevelopment Agency has sponsored <br />the Sausage & Suds Festival at the $5,000 level and the City has provided in -kind event <br />support from Police, Public Works and Redevelopment staff. The City has also made $1,000 <br />contributions to both the It's A Wonderful Night and Bike SL events and provided in -kind event <br />support. The recommended funding level of $5,000 is a slight reduction in program funding <br />compared to prior years. The Downtown Association has requested continued in -kind support <br />for events. <br />In addition to funds for programs, redevelopment staff serves as Secretary of the association <br />and plays a major role in marketing the downtown and coordinating the association's <br />activities. Limited redevelopment staff support to the Downtown Association is expected to <br />continue. <br />LINKS - The City provides gap funding for the LINKS Shuttle from BART to the West San <br />Leandro industrial area. A Business Improvement District generates approximately $125,000 <br />of the $300,000 budget. LINKS operations are also supported by grants, which vary in <br />amount from year to year. Grant and BID revenue is projected to cover operating expenses in <br />fiscal years 2012 -13 and FY 2013 -14. Should revenue come in lower than expected or future <br />grant funds not be available or should sufficient grants not be awarded, a reduction in service <br />hours would likely be required. <br />RDA staff currently provides administrative support to the San Leandro Transportation <br />Management Agency which manages the shuttle. Administrative support includes managing <br />the BID and grant applications and reporting requirements. Continued delivery of <br />administrative support of the shuttle will need to be evaluated. <br />Business Incentive Programs - Scenario A includes $125,000 for funding of three incentive <br />programs. Scenario B increases the funding to $180,000. <br />• Commercial Rehabilitation Program - The City has budgeted between $90,000 and <br />$150,000 annually for the Commercial Rehabilitation Program which provides design <br />services and forgivable loans to businesses to improve the exterior of their building. <br />• Industrial Competitiveness Program - As part of the Climate Action Plan, the City has <br />budgeted between $50,000 and $200,000 for an Industrial Competitiveness Program <br />which provides funding for technical assistance and equipment /capital purchases which <br />reduce a business' utility costs thereby decreasing its cost of doing businesses. <br />• Broadband Strategy Implementation - The City is in process of developing a broadband <br />strategy which may include incentive programs to assist businesses in connecting to <br />high speed internet capacity. <br />Downtown Maintenance /Stepping Stones - Currently, a Public Works maintenance worker <br />spends half time on downtown maintenance and the City contracts with Stepping Stones for <br />clean -up services. The recommendation includes an assumption that Redevelopment funding <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 211012012 <br />