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File Number: 12 -033 <br />Policy 1.04 Front Yards - Encourage the attractive treatment of front yards and other <br />areas in residential neighborhoods that are visible from the street. Establish limits on the <br />paving of front yard areas. <br />Environmental Review <br />The proposed minor amendments to the Zoning Code are exempt from environmental review <br />under the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Public Resources Code section <br />21065 because the associated Ordinance is not a "project" within the meaning of Section <br />15378 of the State CEQA Guidelines and because the amendments do not approve or allow <br />the construction of any project and, therefore, have no potential for resulting in physical <br />change in the environment, directly or ultimately. <br />Board /Commission Review and Actions <br />On the Accessory Structure amendments, Board of Zoning Adjustments members <br />commented that setback requirements be increased to a minimum of 18 inches, including for <br />those structures less than eight feet in height, citing concerns related to drainage and other <br />impacts on adjacent properties. <br />Staff's response was that current policy and practice allow for structures in the rear of the <br />property to be less than five feet from the property lines, but that the size of a structure may <br />be included in the proposed table. Staff notes that the concerns raised by the comment are <br />also mitigated through existing code requirements for building type and State regulations that <br />site drainage be retained on site and not directed toward adjacent properties. <br />In response to BZA members' comments, and in consultation with the Zoning Enforcement <br />Official, the addition of text referencing the current definition within the San Leandro Building <br />Code for structures less than 120 square feet in area was included in the proposed height and <br />setback table. Additional edits were made to the Lot Coverage and Height and Setback <br />sections for consistency in format and content. At the January 19, 2012, Planning <br />Commission meeting, the Commissioners requested that additional language specifying the <br />Board of Zoning Adjustments as the referral body for any Conditional Use Permits be included <br />in the proposed text changes. <br />The Board of Zoning Adjustments voiced support for the amendments, with modifications. The <br />Planning Commission supported the amendments, and recommended adoption of the <br />proposed text changes with minor modifications as stated above. <br />Finally, the Planning Commission voted to recommend that the City Council direct staff to <br />review the regulations in San Leandro Zoning Code section 2 -516, Large Family Day Care <br />Homes, including their conformance to State law. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />• Notification of the Planning Commission January 19, 2012 and the City Council February <br />21, 2012 meetings included a legal ad in the Daily Review and posting of the meeting at <br />City of San Leandro Page 5 Printed on 211512012 <br />