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File Number: 12 -062 <br />The City's administration funding for FY 2012 -2013 has been reduced to $112,147 in order to <br />adhere to the HUD - regulated 20% spending cap on general administration. The City has <br />historically allocated general administration funding to ECHO Housing's Fair Housing services <br />and to Alameda County EveryOne Home administration. However, due to substantial CDBG <br />cuts for FY 2012 -2013, staff is recommending to allocate all $112,147 funding amount to City <br />staffing for program administration and no funding to ECHO Housing's Fair Housing Services <br />and to EveryOne Home administration. City staff is diligently working towards finding an <br />alternative funding source for these two (2) valuable programs including future post -RDA <br />property tax revenue targeted to affordable housing. <br />Despite the reduction in HOME funds, staff proposes to continue using the City's HOME funds <br />for the acquisition, rehabilitation, and /or new construction of affordable rental housing as well <br />as tenant -based rental assistance to serve lower income households in need. As of today, <br />there are no proposed HOME - funded projects. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />Current Council Policy is defined by the FY 2010 -2014 Consolidated Plan, adopted by <br />Resolution No. 2010 -038 on April 19, 2010. <br />Committee Review and Actions <br />City staff is planning a presentation to the City Council Business and Housing Development <br />Committee on March 8, 2012 regarding the proposed Draft FY 2012 -2013 Annual Action Plan <br />for review and comment. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />The Consolidated Plan addresses the goals of the Housing Element of the General Plan, such <br />as increasing the supply of affordable for -sale and rental housing, providing opportunities for <br />home ownership, preserving and rehabilitating existing affordable owner - occupied and rental <br />housing, and addressing special needs populations. <br />Environmental Review <br />National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) and California Environmental Quality Act <br />(CEQA), the latter when applicable, review will be conducted for each project or activity <br />approved by the City Council. Neither NEPA nor CEQA apply to the FY 2012 -2013 <br />Consolidated Action Plan. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />A notice of the public hearing (with partial translations in Chinese and Spanish) was published <br />in the Daily Review newspaper on February 17, 2012. Copies of the Draft FY 2012 -2013 <br />Annual Action Plan shall be available for review at City Hall (in the City Clerk's office and the <br />City's Community Development Department), at the Main Library, and on the City's website at <br />http : / / /depts /cd /housing /plans.asp for a 30 -day comment period from <br />March 16th - April 16th, 2012. The second public hearing will be held April 16, 2012, at which <br />time the City Council would consider approving the final Plan. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />HUD will enter into contract with the City for the grant amount. The grant is on a <br />City of San Leandro Page 4 Printed on 212812012 <br />