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File Number: 12 -125 <br />E. Televised events, with such features as "big screen" projection systems. <br />The eight (8) Objective Criteria for the Assembly Use Overlay established in 2007: <br />Site is not located along a major commercial corridor; <br />• Site is not located within the following General Plan Focus Areas: Downtown, <br />Bayfair, Marina Blvd /SOMAR, or West San Leandro; <br />Site is not located in a regional - serving retail area; <br />• Site is not located inside the % -mile study area identified for the Downtown <br />Transit - Oriented Development (TOD) Strategy; <br />Site abuts or is within % mile of an arterial street; <br />Site is not located in a Residential Zone; <br />• Site is not considered public land, and is not zoned Public Service (PS), Open <br />Space (OS), or Commercial Recreation (CR); property is not owned by an Exempt <br />Public Agency, or leased /owned by a public utility; <br />Overlay Area must allow a contiguous area greater than or equal to two acres. <br />It is the opinion of City staff that these suggested revisions are sound from a planning <br />perspective and are in keeping with the City's ongoing process of systematically reviewing and <br />updating the Zoning Code to conform to City policy and appropriate land use principles. <br />To assist the City Council in its review of the proposed zoning code amendments and related <br />zoning issues, staff offers the following: <br />1. Commercial Recreation Is Not Currently Allowed in the Industrial General Zoning- <br />District. Commercial Recreation is not currently permitted nor conditionally permitted in the <br />Industrial General Zoning District. Commercial Recreation is conditionally permitted in the <br />Industrial Limited and Industrial Park Zoning Districts. Entertainment Activities are <br />conditionally permitted in each of the Industrial Districts. The proposed zoning amendment <br />would allow for Commercial Recreation opportunities as conditionally permitted uses in the <br />new Industrial General (AU) Zoning District. <br />2. Accessory Use. There was public testimony, at both the Planning Commission and City <br />Council hearings, that new businesses in the industrial area should have the opportunity for <br />their employees to have access to recreational activities in proximity to their businesses. <br />Currently, businesses could incorporate commercial recreation activities within their business <br />developments as accessory uses when such commercial recreation activities are part of a <br />Permitted Use in the Zoning District; such opportunities would not be impacted by the <br />proposed amendments. For example, Industry, Research and Development is considered a <br />Permitted Use in each of the Industrial Districts. A high - tech business (such as Google or <br />Oracle) would be considered an Industry, Research and Development Use. Therefore, if <br />City of San Leandro Page 4 Printed on 311312012 <br />