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8F Consent 2012 0319
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2012 0319
8F Consent 2012 0319
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3/21/2012 5:01:34 PM
Creation date
3/13/2012 5:26:48 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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Self- Evaluation Findings: <br />The City maintains a nondiscrimination statement for all department, programs and services <br />that includes people with disabilities. Departments should post a nondiscrimination <br />statement in a location that maximizes public exposure that also includes information about <br />how to reach an ADA Coordinator, and notify people that meetings, hearings, and conferences <br />will be held in accessible locations and that adaptive aids such as assistive listening devices will <br />be provided upon request to participants with disabilities. All departments should notify <br />people about how to and with whom to file a disability complaint, and all departments should <br />be informed about the procedure for filing a discrimination complaint. <br />Recommended actions include informing the public of the possible modifications that can be <br />provided to make services, programs, and activities accessible. A notice regarding the City's <br />commitment to providing accessible services should be printed in all City publications (in <br />multiple languages as appropriate)that provide information about City services, programs, or <br />activities. The notice should also be placed in all City departments in a location that will <br />maximize public exposure. The City's TTY number should always be listed when providing <br />contact information to the public. <br />Printed Information <br />Self- Evaluation Findings: <br />Many City departments and offices produce printed information that is available to the public. <br />Most registration forms, permits, and waivers are only available in written form. All City <br />departments should provide information about obtaining printed information in alternative <br />formats. <br />Recommended include providing information to each department on how to produce printed <br />information in a uniform manner in alternative formats for persons with various disabilities to <br />ensure that requests are handled in a uniform and consistent manner, and providing program, <br />facility, permit, and reservation information in a variety of formats upon request. <br />Website <br />The City's update of its website in 2010 has provided a fully accessible website in compliance <br />with the ADA and section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. <br />Additional recommended actions include increased outreach to persons with disabilities by <br />having the website include more information about the City's commitment to providing <br />accessible services, and including the following statement on the website: <br />City of San Leandro staff and services can be reached through California Relay Services (dial 711 <br />or http: / /, and continued training to City staff members in creating accessible <br />PDF and other electronic files for posting on City websites. <br />Page 6 <br />
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