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8F Consent 2012 0319
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2012 0319
8F Consent 2012 0319
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3/21/2012 5:01:34 PM
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3/13/2012 5:26:48 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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Public Telephones and Communication Devices <br />Self- Evaluation Findings: <br />Educate all departments regarding the availability of the California Relay Service, or 711, to <br />communicate with the hearing and speech impaired. Include information in public materials <br />regarding the use of these services. <br />Recommended action includes developing protocol for police dispatcher to use TTY equipment <br />and convey information as appropriate to the ADA Coordinator and other City staff when <br />required, and training all City staff to communicate over the telephone with a person with a <br />hearing or speech disability, such as the California Relay Service (711). <br />Training and Staffing <br />Self- Evaluation Findings: <br />In general, City staff members are familiar with problems encountered by persons with <br />disabilities, and have some experience working with individuals with disabilities. All <br />departments should be knowledgeable about the different types of reasonable modifications <br />that would make their services accessible. <br />Recommended actions include providing City staff members with on -going awareness and <br />sensitivity training, and Providing training to City staff members who have contact with the <br />public about how to provide modifications and use assistive devices to make their programs, <br />activities and services accessible. <br />Program Eligibility and Admission <br />Self- Evaluation Findings: <br />No departments reported having limitations or ratio requirements that would exclude people <br />with disabilities. <br />Recommended actions include ensuring that individuals with disabilities are not excluded from <br />regular programs and modifying policies, practices, or procedures to avoid discrimination unless <br />the modification would fundamentally alter the nature of the program or create a hazardous <br />situation. <br />Public Meetings <br />Self- Evaluation Findings: <br />Generally, public meetings are held in locations that are accessible to persons with mobility <br />impairments. Most departments reported that they provide auxiliary aids upon request. <br />Recommended actions include scheduling public meetings at accessible locations. When a fully <br />accessible site is not available, then make reasonable modification so that an individual with a <br />disability can participate. <br />Page 7 <br />
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