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4. Priority Four: A fourth level of priority is assigned to areas or features that are not required <br />to be modified because there are no public programs located in the facility or portion of the <br />facility, or because there are other locations that provide access to the program. <br />5. Priority Five: A fifth level of priority are barriers that are not addressed by ADAAG. These <br />barriers are required by the CBC, as set forth by the Division of State Architect. <br />While the schedule of improvements and Facilities Transition Plan set forth priorities for barrier <br />removal, the City will also review its projects to identify when barriers to access can be <br />addressed in conjunction with other maintenance efforts and capital improvement projects. By <br />seizing opportunities to remove identified barriers in conjunction with other projects, the City <br />will reduce total overhead costs and maximize the public benefit from resources allotted for <br />barrier removal. <br />Phasing Schedule for Facilities <br />Barriers in facilities will be removed systematically, city -wide, based on established program <br />priorities. A schedule of the prioritized facilities, cost estimates for the barrier removals, and <br />target modification years is attached as an Appendix to this Executive Summary. The total <br />estimated cost for all barrier removals and facility modifications is $1,822,790. Using a <br />combination of Community Development Block Grant Funds and City General Fund monies, <br />staff anticipates that, at current funding levels, it will take approximately 15 years to complete <br />all of the modifications. <br />The City of San Leandro reserves the right to modify barrier removal priorities in order to allow <br />flexibility in accommodating community requests, petitions for reasonable modifications from <br />persons with disabilities, changes in City programs, and funding constraints and opportunities. <br />It is the goal of this Self Evaluation & Transition Plan to provide access to the programs, <br />activities, and services provided by the City. <br />A complete copy of the City Facility Survey is available on the City's website at: <br />http:// www. sanleandro. org /depts /cityhaII /default.asp <br />City of San Leandro's ADA Accommodation and Grievance Procedure <br />The City's ADA Accommodation and Grievance Procedure, as adopted by the City Council by <br />Resolution 2010 -117, is included in its entirety in the full Self Evaluation & Transition Plan <br />Update. <br />ADA Resources List <br />The full Self Evaluation & Transition Plan includes information about and links to an extensive <br />list of resource agencies which provide guidance and services in relation to the ADA. These <br />include Federal and State Accessibility Standards and Regulations, guidelines for transportation <br />and communication, resources for assistive technologies, and local service providers. <br />Page 11 <br />