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File Number: 12 -152 <br />Mayor Cassidy called the meeting to order at 4:23 p.m., and apologized to the group for his <br />late arrival. <br />1. Discussion Regarding Modification of Proposed Changes to Industrial Districts <br />Related to Assembly Uses, Commercial Recreation and Entertainment Activities <br />Community Development Director Luke Sims commented on the complexity of the issue, <br />and the possible confusion and lack of clarity surrounding it, and stated that he hoped a <br />detailed discussion with the Rules Committee could take place today. Senior Planner <br />Kathleen Livermore described the elements of the proposal presented to the City Council <br />at the February 21 st Council meeting. At the meeting, the Council referred discussion on <br />the zoning changes to the Industrial districts to the Rules and Communications Committee <br />for further discussion and analysis of potential alternatives and options. <br />She noted that, in an effort to simplify the explanation, the point was omitted that currently, <br />the Industrial General district does not include Commercial Recreation as a conditionally <br />permitted use. <br />Ms. Livermore described the four maps that were displayed: <br />1. Zoning map; <br />2. Proposed Industrial Zoned Assembly Use Areas that Would Allow for Commercial <br />Recreation Uses with a Conditional Use Permit; <br />3. Current Industrial Zoned Areas that Allow for Commercial Recreation Uses with a <br />Conditional Use Permit; and <br />4. Industrial Zoned Areas with AU Overlay and Commercial Zoned Areas Allowing <br />Commercial Recreation and /or Entertainment Activities with a Conditional Use Permit <br />Ms. Livermore reviewed several items addressed in the staff report, including the uses in <br />the industrial districts in the existing zoning code and the proposed zoning changes; how <br />primary versus Accessory Uses are treated in the industrial districts; wage differentials in <br />Commercial Recreation and Tech Sector jobs; and industrial standards and infrastructure <br />in industrial districts. <br />A discussion ensued, and Committee members asked questions regarding the Assembly <br />Use Overlay Criteria and possible modifications. <br />Mr. Sims indicated that if the Council wished to modify the Assembly Use Overlay Criteria <br />and possibly expand the Assembly Use area, it would require extensive discussion and <br />input from stakeholders, and careful consideration to avoid conflicts with the General Plan. <br />Public Comments: <br />Chris Crow commented that the proposed changes are "awkward." He asked the <br />Committee to heed the advice of the business minds in the room, as well as the advice of <br />the Planning Commission, and to reject City staff's recommendation. <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 312712012 <br />