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File Number: 12 -140 <br />• Officer from a homeowner or neighborhood association <br />• City Board or Commission member <br />• Owner or manager of a business located in San Leandro <br />AND NOW FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council defines the scope of responsibility <br />and duties of the Citizens Oversight Committee to include developing an annual report on the <br />following: <br />• Amounts of Transaction and Use Tax revenue generated by Measure Z <br />• Use of the tax revenue and the impact on the City's operating budget including a <br />statement on the impact of the revenue in reducing the amount of cuts resulting <br />from addressing the budget shortfall <br />• Statement of expenditures funded by Measure Z revenues <br />• Impacts of Measure Z on local business competitiveness and the collection of Sales <br />Tax revenues <br />• Measure Z public information and transparency efforts <br />• Participation in developing a revenue sustainability plan and strategy <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 312712012 <br />