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City of San Leandro <br />Meeting Date: April 2, 2012 <br />Staff Report <br />File Number: 12 -084 Agenda Section: CONSENT CALENDAR <br />Agenda Number: 8.H. <br />TO: City Council <br />FROM: Chris Zapata <br />City Manager <br />BY: Uchenna Udemezue <br />Engineering & Transportation Director <br />FINANCE REVIEW: Carla Rodriguez <br />Deputy Finance Director <br />TITLE: Staff Report for Resolution for Appropriation of Measure B Bicycle and <br />Pedestrian Funds for the Bancroft Avenue and 136th Avenue Traffic Signal <br />Project, Project No. 11- 150 -38 -330, State Project No. SR2SL- 5041(038) <br />RECOMMENDATIONS <br />Staff recommends appropriation of funds from Measure B Bicycle and Pedestrian funds in the <br />amount of $55,000 for the subject project. <br />BACKGROUND <br />In May 2011, the State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), through the <br />Safe Routes to School (SR2S) program, approved $421,250 in State funding for the subject <br />project. <br />The intersection of Bancroft Avenue and 136th Avenue is currently a four -way stop - controlled <br />intersection on a route connecting the San Leandro High School main campus and the 9th <br />Grade campus. During school hours, congested conditions are created at the intersection <br />when a high number of pedestrians and vehicles converge at the same time. Based on <br />complaints received and staff observations, excessive delays and vehicle - pedestrian conflicts <br />at the intersection during commute hours, the intersection requires attention. Since Bancroft <br />Avenue is classified as a residential arterial, the tools adopted by the City's Neighborhood <br />Traffic Calming Program are not applicable, staff determined that converting this intersection <br />from a four -way stop - controlled intersection to a signalized intersection would be the <br />appropriate method to control vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic and increase overall <br />safety. <br />The project will construct a new traffic signal system with bicycle detection and pedestrian <br />signal phasing including: 1) installing signing and striping; 2) installing accessible curb ramps; <br />and 3) connecting the signal system to the Traffic Operation Center at City Hall by extending <br />the fiber optic network. A traffic safety education program and additional police enforcement <br />City of San Leandro Page 1 Printed on 312712012 <br />