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File Number: 12 -160 <br />the first mixed use development under the City's acclaimed Downtown TOD Strategy. Also, <br />reducing the total number of residential units from 700 under the original Crossings <br />Masterplan down to 200 units for the revised Masterplan will have less impact on local school <br />district enrollment capacity. <br />Some key tentative dates in the coming months are: <br />• Late April /EarlyMay 2012 -BRIDGE, Westlake, City and OSlsoft conducts public <br />outreach including at least one community meeting to solicit public input <br />• May 21, 2012 - City Council reviews State Proposition 1C agreements and <br />modifications to former development and loan agreements with BRIDGE related to the <br />previously approved $9.1 million loan in 2009 <br />• June 18, 2012 - City Council reviews BRIDGE request for federal HOME funds for <br />construction gap financing <br />• June 30, 2012 - Deadline for City, BRIDGE and Westlake to submit executed <br />agreements to State HCD in order to keep and use the Proposition 1 C grant funds <br />awarded to the Crossings in 2008 <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />• Attachment A: Site Plan for Former San Leandro Crossings Masterplan <br />• Attachment B: Former Elevation Facing San Leandro Boulevard <br />• Attachment C: Site Plan for Revised San Leandro Crossings Masterplan <br />• Attachment D: Revised Elevation Facing San Leandro Boulevard <br />PREPARED BY: Tom Liao, Planning and Housing Manager, Community Development <br />Department <br />City of San Leandro Page 5 Printed on 41312012 <br />