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Excerpt of the Draft Board of Zoning Adjustments Meeting Minutes March 1, 2012 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />A maximum of 25% of total irrigated area is specified as turf, with sports or multiple -use <br />fields exempted. <br />Specify weather -based irrigation controllers. <br />Sprinklers and spray heads are not specified for areas less than eight feet wide. <br />Member Mendieta asked whether these changes could be submitted for County review in <br />advance, inasmuch as they aren't due until June 2012. Secretary Barros said that she's already <br />submitted the proposal, because it must be acceptable to the County before it goes to the City <br />Council for approval. The Zoning Code amendments must be effective as of July 31, 2012. She <br />said that she submitted a copy of the ordinance showing the changes proposed. Her next step is <br />to take the proposed changes to the Planning Commission on March 15, 2012. <br />Member Mendieta also asked who provides the Bay- Friendly Rated Landscape Certificate. <br />Secretary Barros said that's a StopWaste.Org program, which conducts training to help <br />landscape designers and contractors implement its protocols. She said that she doesn't know the <br />cost of the rating, but she will find out and let BZA members know. <br />Chair Daly asked what the BZA should do about this proposal at this meeting. Secretary Barros <br />said that she could share the BZA's thinking about the proposal when she presents it to the <br />Planning Commission and City Council. <br />Member Palma said she's surprised to see the diversion of C &D debris coming up only now, <br />because she remembers it as part of an Alameda County project she worked on many years ago. <br />Secretary Barros said that it's been in effect for a long time, but the monetary threshold may not <br />be enough to satisfy the Bay- Friendly Landscape protocols, which would apply to commercial <br />landscaping of 2,500 square feet or more. Member Palma said that's all great — the more we can <br />do, she said, the better. <br />