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ATTACHMENT C: EXCERPT OF THE DRAFT MINUTES FOR MARCH 1, 2012 SAN <br />LEANDRO BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS MEETING <br />Item 8A: Miscellaneous <br />Consideration of an amendment to the City of San Leandro Zoning Code, Article 19, related <br />to Bay Friendly Landscape Protocols. ( Barros) <br />Secretary Barros said that two years ago the City modified its landscape requirements to <br />comply with a State mandate for water - efficient landscaping, following the State's WELO <br />(Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance) model and with input from the Alameda County Waste <br />Management Authority (StopWaste.Org.) Certain Bay - Friendly Landscaping protocols were <br />included at that time as recommended practices, and now, as part of an annual review of the <br />organization's mitigation funds, these practices are being made mandatory. <br />Since the 1980s, Secretary Barros explained, StopWaste.Org have received money for all the <br />waste processed through Alameda County, and have been passing those funds onto local <br />jurisdictions, including their sanitary districts. This brings about $90,000 annually to San <br />Leandro. <br />Strategic StopWaste.Org workplans require member cities to implement certain policies from <br />time to time to remain eligible for that funding. For example, Secretary Barros said, in past years <br />such requirements prompted the City to pass an ordinance that specifies recycling of at least <br />50% of any construction and demolition (C &D) waste (the Construction and Demolition Debris <br />Recycling Ordinance), as well as the Civic Bay - Friendly Landscape Ordinance and Civic Green <br />Building Ordinance. In FY2011 -2012, the City is being asked to adopt two programs that fall <br />under the aegis of the Recycling Division for follow -up — a Green Halo compliance tracking <br />system for recycling and a program to promote recycling in the schools — as well as `Bay - <br />Friendly Basics," the item Secretary Barros is presenting to ensure the ongoing flow of that <br />funding stream. <br />Accordingly, she is recommending adding two elements to San Leandro Zoning Code Article 19, <br />Landscape Requirements: <br />• Locate plants to grow to natural size — This is already in the code as a recommendation; <br />the proposal now is to make it mandatory. <br />• Divert 50% of landscape C &D debris — The City's C &D Ordinance requires recycling of <br />50% of C &D debris for projects valued at $100,000 and up, but some projects below that <br />amount may trigger the Bay - Friendly Landscaping provisions so it should be included in <br />the Landscape Ordinance as well. <br />The other basics specified in the StopWaste.Org protocols are already covered by 2010 <br />amendments to Article 19 Landscape Requirements, she explained, but may call for minor <br />tweaking in the language: <br />• Apply a three -inch layer of mulch to all soil. <br />• Amend soil with one inch of compost or bring soil organic matter content to 3.5 %. <br />• Do not plant invasive plant species. <br />• 75% of plants are low -water using and climate adapted. <br />