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Excerpt of the Draft Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of March 1 S, 2012 Page 4 of 4 <br />Chair Collier pointed out that quite a few corner lots have more than 5,000 square feet <br />Commissioner Fitzsimons said that if the Planning Commission has the liberty of making any <br />changes to the ordinance outside the State - mandated elements and beyond the scope of the <br />changes that staff proposes, someone should make a motion for such changes to vote on. <br />Assistant City Attorney Pio Roda clarified that the agenda item covers only the amendments <br />proposed. He said that if the Planning Commission chooses to review the rest of the ordinance, <br />the item should be placed on the agenda for another meeting. <br />Chair Collier opened the public hearing. <br />Joe Collier, 644 Douglas Drive, asked if the proposed ordinance would be applicable to a <br />residential project that involved paving over the front yard, referring to a property near his home <br />where the owner dug out the entire front lawn and dirt and then replaced it with concrete. He said <br />six cars park there, plus two in the street. He said he'd like to see something in this ordinance to <br />prevent such modifications. <br />Planner Barros indicated that at its January 19, 2012 meeting, the Planning Commission <br />reviewed a proposed Zoning Code amendment that limits paving to a maximum of 50% of the <br />front -yard setbacks. The City Council adopted that amendment at its February 21, 2012 meeting, <br />and it will go into effect on April 3, 2012. Projects completed prior to that date would be <br />grandfathered. <br />Motion to close the Public Hearing <br />Dlugosh /Fitzsimons: 6 Aye, 0 No, I Absent (Abero) <br />Motion to forward to the City Council a recommendation to approve <br />the resolution proposing Zoning Code amendment changes <br />related to Bay- Friendly Landscaping Provisions <br />(Article 19, Sections 4 -1904, 1908 and 1910) <br />Fitzsimons /Hernandez: 6Aye, 0 No, I Absent (Abero) <br />