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8C Consent 2012 0507
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Packet 2012 0507
8C Consent 2012 0507
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5/11/2012 4:12:58 PM
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5/1/2012 3:35:09 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Exhibit A: Proposed Amendments City of San Leandro Zoning Code - Article 19 <br />of Completion to the City of San Leandro that may include, but is not <br />limited to: inspection, system tune -up, system test with distribution <br />uniformity, reporting overspray or run off that causes overland flow, and <br />preparation of an irrigation schedule. <br />4 -1906 Existing Trees on Development Sites <br />A. Identification of Trees on Development Applications <br />1. Plans submitted for "Site Plan Approval" shall identify all existing trees <br />with a trunk diameter equal or greater than six (6) inches in diameter <br />as measured four and one -half (4'/) feet above existing grade. The <br />plans shall indicate the trees' species and drip - lines. The plan(s) shall <br />indicate which trees are proposed for removal, and a "limit of grading" <br />line, where applicable. <br />2. To supplement the above requirements, an applicant may be required <br />to provide a tree report, to be prepared by a certified arborist,that <br />provides additional information to aid the decision - maker(s) in the <br />evaluation of the site plan. The report should indicate such <br />information as the tree's health, appearance, suitability for <br />preservation, and /or potential for failure. <br />B. Preservation or Replacement of Trees <br />1. Ability to Require Preservation or Replacement The "Site Plan <br />Approval" decision -maker may require that significant trees be <br />preserved, and /or that replacement trees be provided within the final <br />landscape plan for the project. A tree may be found to be significant <br />due to its size, age, prominence in the neighborhood's landscape, <br />and /or habitat value. <br />2. Applicant Must Identify Protection Measures Final grading and <br />landscape plans for the project (as submitted at the building /grading <br />permit stage) shall specify tree protection measures for those trees that <br />were either identified on the applicant's plan to be preserved, or were <br />required to be preserved as a condition of Site Plan, Use Permit or <br />Planned Development approval. In addition, the Zoning Enforcement <br />Official or project decision - makers may require the applicant to provide <br />additional security, such as a bond or certificate of deposit, to cover <br />possible replacement if the subject tree(s) are damaged or destroyed. <br />AR.19 <br />Page 8 of 20 <br />
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