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Exhibit A: Proposed Amendments City of San Leandro Zoning Code - Article 19 <br />3. Grading Prohibited Within Drip - lines No grading shall occur within the <br />drip -line of a tree required designated to be preserved unless approval <br />of such grading was given at the time the project was approved or <br />unless the Zoning Enforcement Official has subsequently reviewed <br />and approved plans for such additional grading. <br />4. Preserved and Replacement Trees to Be Permanently Maintained <br />Trees designated and /or required for preservation or required as <br />replacement trees shall be permanently maintained as required by <br />Section 4- 1912.C. <br />4 -1908 Design Standards <br />A. General Design Standards <br />All landscapes shall adhere to the following design standards: <br />Landscape materials shall demonstrate a recognizable pattern or <br />theme for the overall development by choice and location of materials <br />and shall be located such that at maturity: <br />a. They do not interfere with site distance standards for vehicular, <br />bicycle, or pedestrian traffic, as determined by the City Engineer; <br />b. They do not conflict with overhead utility lines, overhead lights, or <br />walkway lights; and <br />c. They do not block pedestrian or bicycle ways or emergency access <br />or exits. <br />2. Plant selection and irrigation design shall incorporate appropriate <br />water conservation measures, as required by applicable State or local <br />regulations and adhere to the most recent version of the "Bay Friendly <br />Landscape Guidelines" developed by StopWaste.Org for use in the <br />professional design, construction and maintenance of landscapes. <br />City staff shall maintain the most recent version of the "Bay- Friendly <br />Landscape Guidelines" at all times. <br />3. The minimum portion of a site that is to be a landscaped area shall be <br />as prescribed under the applicable R, C (includes P, PHD, NA, DA and <br />SA Districts) or I Zoning District's requirements for "Minimum Required <br />Landscaped Yards" and "Minimum Site landscaping." <br />AR.19 <br />Page 9 of 20 <br />