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Exhibit A: Proposed Amendments City of San Leandro Zoning Code - Article 19 <br />3. Requirements for Parking Lot Trees <br />a. Minimum Number of Trees. A minimum of one (1) tree for every six <br />(6) parking spaces shall be distributed throughout the parking lot. <br />b. Trees to Provide Shade at Maturity Trees with a canopy or <br />spreading branch structure shall be specified, and trees shall <br />generally have consistent spacing to substantially shade the <br />parking area at maturity. <br />4. Increased Landscaped Area In -lieu of Wheel Stops Where parking <br />stalls face into landscaped areas, the depth of the parking stall shall be <br />decreased by two (2) feet, and the landscaped area shall be increased <br />two (2) feet, with wheel stops or with the curb functioning as the wheel <br />stop and allowing autos to overhang the increased landscaped area. <br />Where autos will overhang into opposite sides of a landscaped area, <br />such landscaped areas shall have a minimum width of six (6) feet, as <br />measured from the inside of curb to inside of curb. <br />5. Required Landscaped Areas for Parking Structure A parking structure <br />in a C, P, or I Zoning District having at -grade parking adjoining a street <br />shall have a ten (10) foot landscaped area adjoining the street property <br />line. Planter boxes shall be provided on the upper levels of parking <br />structures where these structures are visible from public streets, <br />pedestrian pathways, or adjacent buildings. <br />D. Design Standards for Projects Requiring a Landscape Documentation <br />Package and /or Irrigation Design Plan. All new or rehabilitated commercial, <br />industrial or developer - installed residential landscapes that exceed two <br />thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet or residential landscapes that <br />exceed five thousand (5,000) square feet shall adhere to the following <br />design standards. These standards shall not apply to city- recognized <br />historic landscapes. <br />1. Plants shall be selected and planted appropriately based upon their <br />adaptability to the climatic, geologic, and topographical conditions of <br />the project site. <br />2. Plants shall be grouped in hydozones according to water need. <br />3. At least seventy -five percent (75 %) of the total number of plants in <br />non -turf areas shall require occasional, little or no summer water <br />once established All species should be adapted to the climate in <br />which they will be planted, as documented by a published plant <br />reference. If plants are given a range of water needs from <br />AR.19 <br />Page 11 of 20 <br />